Container Size?


Well-Known Member
Ok I start my new grow in a week or two and I need to order the right size grow-bags. The strain I'm growing takes 9-10 weeks to flower (yeh I know, oy) and I'm doing a single cola sea of green grow. If I get the 3 gallon grow-bags I can grow 8 of them in the space I have, only 4 if I get the 5 gallon bags. I really want the next grow to allow me to find the best of the best from the seeds I have and get the most yield but is 3 gallons enough? I'm using bushmaster to keep them from getting too tall. Any suggestions?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Yeah, those will work just fine, and will allow you to fill the space.

Most cannabis hybrids will take at least 9 weeks of flowering to mature. If there is more sativa dominant then it will take 10-14 weeks.

HTH :mrgreen: