Contemplating Hydro


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys! I was wondering if anyone knew a good site to explain... well ALL of the things that go intro hydro growing. I need to know everything from what kind of nutrients to start with, brand names, etc.

Maybe just a good hydro guide would be great! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Look around every thing you need to no is here.
Um not really,this site is seriously lacking real info for the noob hydro grower,ive spent buko time here & what little info ive seen is sketchy,sporatic & seriously lacking.

Whats needed is for a hydro expert like Al B Fuct or Filthy Fletch to write up a start to finish hydro tutorial,one with parts lists,suppliers,feeding schedules,nutrient regimes ect.

If i had the skills i'd write a tutorial but alas im a meesly soil grower still.


Well-Known Member
Well there is so much you got to decide. Drip,EEB Passive, how u want to grow. Then you can decide what you need from there, are you buying or making your setup. then organic or synthetic. let me no a lil of what u want to do and i can help you out if you like.


Well-Known Member
Well which method do you think is easiest. We're working with a small space, and we would definetly want to make our own, not really trying to buy or spend to much. Organic all the way... Yeah i am starting from scratch here. I don't know anything about the needed nutes or schedules or what needs monitoring as far as chemicals.


Well-Known Member
Go to the link for my grow and see if the trays i made will sute you it was bout 30 or so to make them the pumps are the most expensive thing to make a tray. then we will go from there.


Well-Known Member
Um not really,this site is seriously lacking real info for the noob hydro grower,ive spent buko time here & what little info ive seen is sketchy,sporatic & seriously lacking.

Whats needed is for a hydro expert like Al B Fuct or Filthy Fletch to write up a start to finish hydro tutorial,one with parts lists,suppliers,feeding schedules,nutrient regimes ect.

If i had the skills i'd write a tutorial but alas im a meesly soil grower still.
Yea I agree that I can't find any information that's in easy to understand format. I wonder if Jorge's Grow DVD 2 will have the info... i know it talks about hydro.


Well-Known Member
I think this site has a lot of the information here you just have to look for it. The biggest problem is that hydroponics encompasses a lot of different things and which is better is just a lot of opinions, especially brands. I think your best bet is to look around and then ask someone you think knows a lot, like fletch.


Well-Known Member
I think this site has a lot of the information here you just have to look for it. The biggest problem is that hydroponics encompasses a lot of different things and which is better is just a lot of opinions, especially brands. I think your best bet is to look around and then ask someone you think knows a lot, like fletch.
Can do. We're waiting until after our current soil grow is done. We're far away but I wanted to get information early so I know what I'm doing when I get there. I think I'm just going to buy a book, I found some pretty good ones.


Well-Known Member
Google worked pretty good for me as far as finding really basic things, I guess I'm just cheap and prefer to pay for as little as possible.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I've been researching hydroponics alot lately. I haven't grown entirely with them, but have visited grow rooms and I understand how they work. Alright, how much space do you have to work with? Thats the first deciding factor. Right now I got my eyes on a perpetual SOG setup that will involve a drip system and a ebb and flow system. Alright, I;m getting confusing, so answer these questions to make it easier for us to help you.

Size of grow room?
What type of grow? SoG, Growing em' big? Scrog?
You said you want it simple, so stay away from aeroponics. Their not very forgiving as some other systems.
You want it cheap to. Most systems if you DIY (do it yourself) can come very cheap.
Also a good youtube movie to watch and learn from is Mr. Green, I Grow Chornic. He has a very nice setup, explains how to build it every step of the way, and it is a sea of green setup. I personally have watched it about 4 times now, taken notes and understand how everything works with his setup.
But as I have said, I have not personally grown but I have been studying how to grow and have seen grow rooms personally so if you have any questions ask them and I'll do what I can to help. If I am unsure of anything I'll let you know my opinion but also wait for someone else to 2nd and 3rd it. ^.^

Dirty Kid

P.S. I have read the Jorge Cervantes Medical Marijuana guide book thingy. Read the hydroponic system through so I hope I have enough basic knowledge to point you in the right direction.
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Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for all the info! I have watched parts of that video before, and I did find it very helpful. I'm glad you said it's reliable, I watched it for the second time the other night and I do understand the basics of hydro more now.

For our room, we're working with a pretty small space, about 3' by 5', and it's only high enough to crawl around in. SOG grow type. We're not even considering aeroponics at this stage, too crazy. I think we have a decent idea now of how to build it after watching that movie, but do you think you could have everything on a smaller scale. Possible have 5 gal containers instead of 20?? Not sure if that would work, but I don't see why not.

Here's some questions you could be able to answer:

What type of pump do you need? How strong does it have to be? Could you find all of those items at a basic chain hardware store? After you get the seedling large enough, do you transfer the whole thing (i.e. the whole cube of rockwool) into another pot with stones or some other medium? So the roots grow into the stones?

Wow, lol, a lot of questions. Any info at all would be appreciated! Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
You can git most anything you need at a pet shop or wall mart. After the seedlings are well rooted the just transplant into medium of your choice. Just remember with hydro and nutrient less is more. If i can help with anything hit me up. i don't mind if u want to pm me it is cool late.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys! I was wondering if anyone knew a good site to explain... well ALL of the things that go intro hydro growing. I need to know everything from what kind of nutrients to start with, brand names, etc.

Maybe just a good hydro guide would be great! Thanks!

First off, I'd like to say your headed in the right direction, your thinking about it. :mrgreen:

When I was thinking about getting into hydroponics, the first thing I did was I went down to my local hydro store and asked alot of questions. I had alot of questions and what they recommended was that I'd buy a hydroponics for beginners book. I bought the book, took it home and read it about 3 times.
Afterwards I went back down to the hydro store and started to price everything out that I would need.
Then I went down to a bookstore to see if their were any other books on hydroponics. Their were only 2, and I bought both of them. After I read those, I got on the internet and did more research on how to build a practical system that wouldn't break the bank.
Then I went to the drawing table and started to draw up a plan on what a good hydro set up needs and where I would put it in my house.

I knew if I wanted to have an efficient set up, then I would have to build 2 seperate rooms. 1 for germenation and vegetation and another for flowering. Vegetation needs to be on an 18 hour light cycle and flowering needs to be on a 12 hour light cycle.

Once I knew what I wanted, I built my first room, then I built my second room. Then I set up ventilation, Then I set up lighting. Then I decided to go with an ebb-n-flow method for both my veg and bloom and built those.

I wish I could go into full detail on how I did it, but it would take forever. I've thought about writing a book, but I would want to wait until I have at least 5-10 years experience first. If you go into my gallery you'll see my rooms and maybe that will give you some idea.

Basically the best advice I can give you is:
a.) Be prepared to spend about $2500 or more to get a good system going.
b.) If you go cheap on anything (Meaning, lighting, ventilation, etc.) expect cheap results.
c.) If you don't have patience & tolerance, get some because you need lot's of it to get into hydroponics.
d.) Research, Research, Research, Research, Research, Research, Research, Research, and more Research.


Well-Known Member
Thepot - Thanks for all the help. If I think of anything I'll let you know :mrgreen:

Bongjuice - I took a look at your pics, nice room! Your set up looks very good to me! I've been researching, but I have to go get some books to really understand this stuff before we start. Eventually, we'll post another grow journal (hopefully) with our hydro set up, thanks to everyone on here!

Thanks again for all the advice! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Not a prob man if i can help in any way let me no i dont no everything but i do no a thing or to so just hit me if you nead anything and thanks for props not the grow and room. Good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
We are here to help make your grows easier. Spread the knowledge, love, and peace bro! You get out of your plants the more time and effort you put into it. Yes, you can use a small resevoir, just going to have to replace it more often is all. Now remember there are varying opinions in this forums, but for the most part we all can agree on the basics that are needed. ^.^

Dirty Kid


Well-Known Member
First off, I'd like to say your headed in the right direction, your thinking about it. :mrgreen:

When I was thinking about getting into hydroponics, the first thing I did was I went down to my local hydro store and asked alot of questions. I had alot of questions and what they recommended was that I'd buy a hydroponics for beginners book. I bought the book, took it home and read it about 3 times.
Afterwards I went back down to the hydro store and started to price everything out that I would need.
Then I went down to a bookstore to see if their were any other books on hydroponics. Their were only 2, and I bought both of them. After I read those, I got on the internet and did more research on how to build a practical system that wouldn't break the bank.
Then I went to the drawing table and started to draw up a plan on what a good hydro set up needs and where I would put it in my house.

I knew if I wanted to have an efficient set up, then I would have to build 2 seperate rooms. 1 for germenation and vegetation and another for flowering. Vegetation needs to be on an 18 hour light cycle and flowering needs to be on a 12 hour light cycle.

Once I knew what I wanted, I built my first room, then I built my second room. Then I set up ventilation, Then I set up lighting. Then I decided to go with an ebb-n-flow method for both my veg and bloom and built those.

I wish I could go into full detail on how I did it, but it would take forever. I've thought about writing a book, but I would want to wait until I have at least 5-10 years experience first. If you go into my gallery you'll see my rooms and maybe that will give you some idea.

Basically the best advice I can give you is:
a.) Be prepared to spend about $2500 or more to get a good system going.
b.) If you go cheap on anything (Meaning, lighting, ventilation, etc.) expect cheap results.
c.) If you don't have patience & tolerance, get some because you need lot's of it to get into hydroponics.
d.) Research, Research, Research, Research, Research, Research, Research, Research, and more Research.
Bravo Bravo!!! Very nice Mr Juice... I started a set up a month ago and its been a blast setting up. Its STUPID expensive to do it right but if you do enough research i spend about 2 hrs or more day learning and researching my set up. Hydo stores are a good place but be careful that you don't buy stuff you can get at the HD or loews. If you set it up cheep you will fight it the whole time. If you start reasearching and build as you go which is what i have done and its working out great you will have time to make adjustments and change things as you go without too much trouble. Believe me you will change things and change things no matter how much you plan. Good luck my friend
