Contest- Guess the weight


Active Member
sorry guys its over. thanks for coming though:)

Done feel bad JN811 everyone over shot it, some more than others.


Active Member
umm i have to go check, only one person did. Also i tried giving everyone +rep but i got to where it said i gave to much rep in 24 hrs LOL so i couldnt anymore sorry if you didnt get some. it was my intentions from the beginning to give everyone +rep. :)


Active Member
no i didnt smoke half lol i smoked like 1/4 of it tonight though in the picture it is 12.3 no lie.


Well-Known Member
knew i was overshooting it!1
lol i didnt!!!!!! i guess pictures are worth a thousand words but not being drunk and having a size comparison are worht millions! im just dense like i said though folks good thread we should start a trend cuz i bet i would have folks stumped. my nugs ended up looking just like yours but ?redder? and 28 grams give or take. i guess they were pretty dense but still fluffier than some of the fire nigs i've had before.
any how im pretty tipsy i bought some stoli to make cannabutter but i ended up just takin shots. fun fun.


Well-Known Member
umm i have to go check, only one person did. Also i tried giving everyone +rep but i got to where it said i gave to much rep in 24 hrs LOL so i couldnt anymore sorry if you didnt get some. it was my intentions from the beginning to give everyone +rep. :)
better member the smokester. mr get angry i remembered you!