Contrition/Derail thread

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abe supercro

Well-Known Member
What you call her "hate campaign" was made of your own words. So now you recognize the hate in your words. That is why you don't quote what you really did.
I'm referring to yesterday and her name calling me in tangerine's thread, when he was making a pretty cool effort to help keep the peace.

I'll directly ask you, did I request you, or annie, in our group pm to stop with the signatures? Or did the signatures start, after the pm? Can you please clarify, something you've been avoiding for whatever your reasons.


Ursus marijanus
I'm referring to yesterday and her name calling me in tangerine's thread, when he was making a pretty cool effort to help keep the peace.

I'll directly ask you, did I request you, or annie, in our group pm to stop with the signatures? Or did the signatures start, after the pm? Can you please clarify, something you've been avoiding for whatever your reasons.
You ask chapter and verse of me, yet you refused to bring proof of my allegedly asking sunni to turtle you. That is flat-earther logic at best.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
You ask chapter and verse of me, yet you refused to bring proof of my allegedly asking sunni to turtle you. That is flat-earther logic at best.
Way to avoid the question, you clearly have a good reason to hide from answering me. You're unwilling to contradict your friend, even though u are awar of the truth. For all the integrity you espouse, you aren't completely honest when it really comes down to it. If you chose to forget ur plead to a moderator (early on, when u were pissed), then have at at it, another lie, or 'convenient memory lapse' just like your friend.

I was never interested in debating either of you. This is the 'toke and talk' section, not a scientific journal. I started the initial pm, to get c2g to stop openly whispering shit about me in other's ears and trolling me, after witnessing her do it 3x. She came into the convo swinging and name calling me.. I was unable to keep my cool and ended up insulting her. I regret taking that bait and not being humble and working through it peacefully in the convo. She made a few good points that I'd be able to respond to and take responsibility but I spazzed out instead and was rude. I think it's reasonable to request to have you both off my ass, I know I haven't gone about it the most diplomatically, as I can get easily agitated. Perhaps it's time for me to take a break from the forum and attempt to communicate after more time has passed. I was hoping for a chance at a new start at 2017, yet c2g appears determined to keep sticking it to me. I'm not what she claims, regardless of a few haphazard remarks I've made over the course of 6 years. But keep treating this pot forum like your own little court of law, where you revel in the concept of playing, judge, jury and executioner. You all look the other way, if you're buddies w someone and I don't respect that. Going after me happened because c2g took things personal and then she's been projecting her trip onto me ever since.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Why do you kids keep calling me? It's past your bedtime, and I'm not going to get you another glass of water. Turn off the lights, and go to sleep.

And don't make me come in here again!

I just wanted to know if could eat shrooms and walk around here with my balls hanging out. But now that its morning and I'm sober, I see how absurd that sounds...

My weiner would have to be flopping all over the place too:lol:


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm/ Neo nazis usually seem to have the closet thing going on. Just come out @choomer It's 2016 brosex!
I have never interacted w/ you yet you single me out.
The back channel ass-suckage is really showing in this one.

You wanna be gay it's fine w/ me, but I'm not going to apologize for resting comfortably in the same heterosetchaul area the other of 99% of humanity resides in.

Not my problem, it's yours. :D

I thought I recognized the weave of a sock.


Well-Known Member
Btw @Bob Zmuda you'll never be as fancy as me!
View attachment 3861808
Lmao I was looking for a wine glass and forgot I had 2 of these. Redneck wine glass and don't call me racist, that is literally the name of them lol. Got some merlot in dat hoe
A red neck isn't bad.. They were like a malicia group kind They were workers of rail roads and mining. But they wore red kercheifs to identife each other during vilant protests of poor pay and work conditions.
I maybe

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
I have never interacted w/ you yet you single me out.
The back channel ass-suckage is really showing in this one.

You wanna be gay it's fine w/ me, but I'm not going to apologize for resting comfortably in the same heterosetchaul area the other of 99% of humanity resides in.

Not my problem, it's yours. :D

I thought I recognized the weave of a sock.

Sounds like I struck a (gay) nerve.:lol:

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I have never interacted w/ you yet you single me out.
The back channel ass-suckage is really showing in this one.

You wanna be gay it's fine w/ me, but I'm not going to apologize for resting comfortably in the same heterosetchaul area the other of 99% of humanity resides in.

Not my problem, it's yours. :D

I thought I recognized the weave of a sock.
I'm not gay or anything, so I don't want you to get the wrong idea... I just have a question

Can we touch butts?


Well-Known Member
it sucks that after starting using tnt ifeel obligated to google "gay" in my key words. sometimes gay love, gay men, gay america, gay anime, gay dancing. my search history from awful internet searches would make my gf reach around my ass hole if she didnt get any context
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