nice garden shrubs, i have a Q: i also have some Broccoli plants. it said something
on there about "to cut before yellow flowers show" well there starting to show and
im not real sure were to cut?.. this is my first time growing Broccoli, so if you know
can you clue me in?? thanks.
Although it is from the same family as the cabbage, broccoli is grown for its
edible, immature flower heads.
Broccoli love having their heads cut off... they will grow more heads for you
little bitty tasty ones.
When the central main heads are still compact and darkish, which is usually up
to 25cm (10") wide... off with their heads about 12-20cm (5-8") down the stem
and just above where some main leaves join the stem.
You really only have less than a week of optimum opportunity to do this first
broccoli harvest. If you leave slicing off the heads too late, that is when the
florets loosen and there are signs of yellow flowers forming, they will be coarser
with a strong, but not such a nice flavour to eat. An exception is the sprouting
broccoli whereby the florets are looser and sometimes have a few yellow flowers
just beginning to open.
Always cut the heads and florets off the stem with a sharp knife and on an angle
so rainwater cannot collect and rot the remaining stem.
Leave the stems with the remaining leaves on, continue to water and new
florets will sprout out from the leaf axils. Keep cutting these sweet delicacies off
to eat and the plants will keep producing, often up to 2 more months.
Pick the tender leaves and also the flowers when they come, these are all edible
and full of goodness.
Hope that helps

I love broccoli!