Controlling Smell Outdoors


Active Member
Have 1 Northern Lights and 2 Great White x #1 Skunk in a small backyard. All are flowering and over 6 ft with multiple buds. They are stealthed visually and the house next door is empty but being renovated. I've seen too many workmen to be comfortable since we live in a close neighborhood. Problem is odor, especially when it rains. Any suggestions for masking that distinctive ripe bud smell? Hate too loose them now when so close to harvest. It looks like an amazing crop.


Active Member
how about some vanilla extract in some kind of fluid. They say it works to take the paint smell away, when you are painting, to mix vanilla extract into it, and the smells gone. the question is, what to use for your situation? Good luck man


Well-Known Member
Just go to a local nursery and ask for flowers that smell the best.
Plant a bunch of those flowers around your plant or around your yard where people would be closest to your plants and it will help mask the smell.

Also, fresh dog piss and dog shit seem to mask it pretty well too.

Just some advice. :)


Well-Known Member
if they are outdoors ,just put smelly shit on your other plants ,aswell as the happy cabbage ,lots of sheep shit ,dynamic lifter ,blood &bone or other such shit will cover the smell ,and make your garden happy.


Active Member
hang some fake flowers on the plants JK lol

Get some mature lavender plants they smell great and be careful with them workers if they spot your grown keep a close watch on it!