qwizo - Thanks tuning in and offering your opinion.The answer is no
qwizo - Thanks tuning in and offering your opinion.The answer is no
I thought maybe you might've had something valuable to say, but I was wrong. You cant answer very simple questions about how you would get 100% DO saturation or how you would go about keeping your rez 15f warmer than the air temp the rez is in. Instead you keep repeating the same what if, how about, maybe when nonsense. If you have any reality based ideas I would love to hear them. If not you can take your hypothetical questions, wiki links, and smart ass remarks and gfyOK Krypto - just for you I'll "lay it out" 1 more time.. you must really make an effort this time, try to stay focused and pay attention.
Do you think the plants may be healthier, grow faster and be more productive if the grower could maintain his nutrient solution and root zone temperature at a constant 80F and maintainer the circulating air at 65-70F with good lighting of course? That is - provided the nutrient solution oxygenation is maintained at continuous 100% DO saturation throughout the whole system?
I thought maybe you might've had something valuable to say, but I was wrong. You cant answer very simple questions about how you would get 100% DO saturation or how you would go about keeping your rez 15f warmer than the air temp the rez is in. Instead you keep repeating the same what if, how about, maybe when nonsense. If you have any reality based ideas I would love to hear them. If not you can take your hypothetical questions, wiki links, and smart ass remarks and gfy
Quit the whining, grow up and stop wanting everything for FREE like a lot of people in America - in the mean time quit your poor me, show me, free food mindset. Here's FREE boy... gfy and your Mama too.Its not on me, these are your claims and ideas. The burden of proof is on you. Having ideas and theories are great, but are they practical? How would you set it up? How many gallons of water could one generator maintain at 90% DO? Can it be run 24/7? How would I get one, your link says they require a prescription and cannot be purchased over the counter. What do they cost? The cost of water chillers was the point of this thread correct? You can buy water chillers/heat exchangers for a couple hundred bucks. Just the meter you suggest is $800! Have you run this system yourself? I bet you haven't. Have you done any indoor gardening? Probably stumbled across "henrys law" on Wikipedia decided you would use that as a screen name a drop some knowledge. When all you've really done is come off as a "know it all" who makes assumptions about people and things you know nothing about. In multiple threads you've posted zero real world experience, which means zero real world credibility to me. If you ever get this idea up and running you'd probably be a rich man/woman. I would be curious to see how plants respond to that kind of DO%, but until its able to be done debating it is useless. As of now I have no o2 problems because I grow in soil. Good luck with your idea it could be great if it can be done in a practical cost effective manner.
Must have been scary looking into mirror. Really no need to project your flaws while you exhibit them so clearly... It's redundant. And I'm not a know-it-all, I'm what know-it-alls pretend to beThere is no doubt that I have encountered a truculent “know-it-all.”
This may help you get a grip on reality - http://www.dramm.com/media/Dissolved Oxygen in the Greenhouse.pdf
Or maybe not
i think you need to go back and read his posts again(involving the oxygen issue)The oxygen demand or root O2 demand requirements increase 50% for every 9 F increase in temp while at the same time, the oxygen carrying capacity of the solution drops 12.5%.
This does not take into consideration the oxygen demand required of all the aerobic microbes in the solution consuming oxygen. The microbes must have O2 too to stay alive and be healthy.
When the nutrient DO is unable to supply the root's oxygen demand and the microbial oxygen demand collectively for any reason, expect prolonged oxygen starvation.
Oxygen starvation will result in slow growth, mineral deficiencies, root die-back, reduced yields sick and dying plants, sick and dying Beneficial microbes and attacks by opportunist pathogens like Pythium fungi and other pest.
***** Now here comes the Grand Whammy that can cost you some bucks – It is a fact that oxygen starvation will stress the plant eco system and the microbial eco system, leading to an eventual attack by opportunistic pathogens, such as ever-present Pythium… the brown Root Rot disease.
Oh, I believe Pythium is far worse than a dose of the “sick dick disease” the dreaded Bull's Head Clap.
All of this mess is preventable simply by insuring a continuous oxygen rich environment. Prevention is better than fighting the disease and the cure. The cure is no panacea, it does not reverse the cellular damage caused by harsh chemicals like H2O2 and Clorox.
One thing you can be sure of, H2O2 and Clorox will kill the beneficial microbes in a heartbeat and make a slimy sludge. Then for a few more bucks, you got to buy a new batch of lively fresh Beneficial’s and start a new microbial culture when you got skin in the game. That’s pocket change compared to the rest of the crop damage and loss in time and money and meaningless stress.
I see no problem keeping air and nutrient temp 82F - 85F provided there is plenty of O2, do you?This seems pretty backwards. Most run water chillers for hydro at 62-68°f, with rooMs at 82-85 with 1200-1500 ps co2. Otherwise your causing the plant to use less co2 because of the lower air temps and the roots get less oxygen from the warmer water.
OK, I did. Nothing has changed, still looks fine to me.i think you need to go back and read his posts again(involving the oxygen issue)
Sorry i'm being an idiot,i actually agree with you.OK, I did. Nothing has changed, still looks fine to me.
Backward? how backward is buying a chiller, chilling the water and ho[ping the cold water will guarantee safe oxygenation for 2 different eco system at the same time 24/7 for months? How about something streight forward like this. If the plants and Beneficial's need more oxygen .. give them more oxygen... that's as simple as it gets.This seems pretty backwards. Most run water chillers for hydro at 62-68°f, with rooMs at 82-85 with 1200-1500 ps co2. Otherwise your causing the plant to use less co2 because of the lower air temps and the roots get less oxygen from the warmer water.