CooldDude's 2nd run PC Case+Grow Bin: +Speed


Active Member
Ok, quick update on my grow bin.
I got my first 2 led strips 5050s, blue+cool white 7.2w each, connected.
Tomorrow I'm putting the T.D. in!! Final pics tomorrow!!

Far.jpg Close.jpg 2close.jpg

I hope it's gonna be enough light with my other strips in, cos my lady is a too small!!



Well-Known Member

Got any pics of how they are hooked up?

Do these have to have their own drivers or are they included?

Very nice setup, keep pushing it!



Active Member
Haha thanks Spanky's Monkey!!! I miss that damn button, too!!;-)

Hey Abi! I covered their wiring, but I've connected (with the method of soldering) both of them from their + plus with a cable and then to a + of the 5A driver I got, same thing as the - of these strippers...umm...strips!!
They are great, and don't get too hot, I think the lady can even touch them!
For my other 42.2w total strips, I've got another 60w driver to put them on, so I think they'll be fine!

Thanks much for your input and appreciation!

Cheers guys, burn sthn!!


Active Member
Hey guys, a lil update on them ladies. It's been 14 days since them +Speeds popped soil!

Do you notice this thing that looks like a small mj seedling? I'm thinking wtf??

Lady#1 and t.d.! Don't you think my t.d. is a slow one? I mean it's been one week since it popped soil!

Lady#2 LSTed again:
She's been overwatered but don't really care, she's my experiment!



Active Member
Hey man!!
Thanks for posting!
Final pics tonight, or tomorrow morning! I'm gonna bring the other led strips in! Well, it's really stealthy I can tell from now!!



New Member
I make my first attempt on growing using +speed too. It s so funny that mine are so different from yours.

Anyway, good luck dude, everything looks great!


Well-Known Member
That little thing in the first pic is probably a parasite plant.. just pluck that bastard off. Things are looking good so far!


Active Member
Thanks avr!!
I'm gonna let it for a few days more, just to see what it is! It could be a tiny mj plant!! Hahaha, just joking!



Active Member
Oh shit, never thought it this way!!
I'm gonna take its life right now!! :twisted:

I've thrown some fan leaves from my last grow in this soil mix, do you think this is the reason why it happened??


Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
Did you your last lady herm on you late in flower? That little guy came from a viable seed so it's safe to assume you may have dropped it in with the fan leaves. If that's the case you just lost a "fem".......yep fem seeds tend to be the result of your "mature" lady tossing out her own seeds. This really can happen in nature when there are no males around. As they say "Life will find a way to survive."


Active Member
Hey Spanky's thanks!! It didn't hermie at all!! In fact I'm enjoying her right now!! After building my grow bin!!

Far.jpg Close.jpg Closer.jpg

Ok, so t.d. is transplanted and I'm waiting for the growth cos she's really small for her age!!

Cheers guys, burn something!!


Well-Known Member
fucking bright as hell, aye? good show, will this be the clone lair?

I have been doing my research on the 5630/5730's too.......


Active Member
Hey guys, thanks much for the input!!
Yeah, it's bright as f!!!! Even brighter with the lid on, I've mylared this bitch too!
This will be the Think Different lair!! I need a tall lady in there!
Already transplanted, pics tomorrow!!!

Well with all of these strips running it gets quite hot in there.. It's like 28-29C! I put the 4 upper ones out 'till I figure sthn out.
Any ideas?:?
