Cop Overdoses on Brownies


Active Member
Since when has anyone ever overdosed on marijuana? Especially marijuana brownies. How these people are hired as police officers is beyond me...

Quote from the video: "I think we are dead. Time is going by really, really, really, really slow."

YouTube - Dumbest Cop Ever


Active Member
That actually happened to me once i ate like 3 brownies at one and a half grams each. It was like a trip with a terrible racing fever. Horrible experience!


Sector 5 Moderator
I smoked some occasional "trip weed" as it was called back in the day but it was usually laced with opium. I've been so stoned on pot that it was almost as good as acid, only more sluggish


Active Member
That's some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. Good find by the way.
Thank you. It was actually on a social news site, but when I saw it I knew I had to post it here for you guys and gals to see it. I couldn't stop laughing and actually watched it a couple times. :mrgreen:

t dub c

Well-Known Member
that was on the news in canada a little while ago, I watched it. it goes on way longer too. haha


Sector 5 Moderator
Doesn't it suck that we know the FACTS about marijuana and most others have their closed minds filled with propaganda and lies. Marijuana is such a wonderful and benign herb. When I first started smoking it I didn't know much about it other than the lies that I had heard. But then I really didn't give a rats ass what "they" said after I started smoking it. I just think it's amazing that you can get such a great high from such a benevolent plant. It just may be the most benign plant on the planet - not to mention the incredible fibers of hemp. I'm amazed at how the government sold us such a rank bill of goods with the "Reefer Madness" BS, all so one company could profit from their new "miracle fiber". F.U. Dow Chemical!


Well-Known Member
That actually happened to me once i ate like 3 brownies at one and a half grams each. It was like a trip with a terrible racing fever. Horrible experience!
That sounds more likely then "i think we are dying"...

Seeing as how the 911 call agent asked that question first when he said Marajuana...

The worst thing that ever happend to me was getting the dizzys and falling on the concrete... When i came to i was lying on my back with my friend holding my hand...

"What happend MAN i thought you were going to catch me..."

"I tried, sorry..." is all he said...

A headache and thats about the worst of it...

Now i know better and just SIT THE #U@K down before i try to tell my friends cATCH me man i m goin DOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNN... =]


Well-Known Member
I smoked some occasional "trip weed" as it was called back in the day but it was usually laced with opium. I've been so stoned on pot that it was almost as good as acid, only more sluggish
no way...shrooms maybe, not acid.


Well-Known Member
I have to jump in on this one. I have a tale of how I came as close as I can imagine to an "overdose" on weed. A bunch of us made a batch of brownies to eat before a concert. We put in 1 1/2 oz plus like an 1/8. When it came time to eat them 2 of the people couldn't eat any because we got brownie mix with nuts in it. and 1 person had to cancel. So that left all the brownies for 4 of us to eat...really it was like a giant slice of cake.

At the concert I started feeling weird, bad, and like something wrong was happening. I felt like I was going to pass out so I strated to walk up the ramp out of the theater when i went blind...NO JOKE I completely lost my vision. A moment later I hit the floor on my hands and knees...feeling my way up the walkway. It was actualy the most scared I've been on any drug. The ushers grabbed me by the time I got to the door which was glass(I'm sure I looked crazy clawing at the door like a dog) After that they set me on some stairs and I kept asking for some water, and they said its right next to you(which it was...a water fountain..seriously I was blind) The next thing I remember about the night was feeling better about an hour later and then nothing else until I woke up in my bed the next day.


Sector 5 Moderator
Good freaking grief, that's scary! I think most people would use it in moderation and with a dose of common sense -oh wait, we're talking about stoners here, LOL. I've smoked some and gotten sick on my stomach several times; that sucks bigtime. I almost always puke when I smoke hash but I can never refuse that little pipe when it's passed around.

We were at a friends secret house back in about 1972; he had inherited his deceased grandfathers old store waaaaaaaay out in the country. It was a two story built on a steep embankment and if you didn't go behind the store you'd never have known it was two stories. He had the windows painted black and plywood over them from the inside so it was totally blacked out when the lights were on. The only lights were blacklights though. He was very artistic and had some day-glo paints that he went crazy with. He had painted King Crimson characters on the walls and more stuff off album covers (for you young whipper snappers that's how music came back then), very trippy, psychedelic stuff. My best friend was the guy that always had "stuff" and he was there. I was already messed up to begin with (always was except first thing in the morning) and there was about a dozen of us sitting around in a circle on the floor in the big room. I was sitting directly across from Larry (my best friend). He started rolling joints, one right after the other, lighting one & passing it to the left, rolling another, lighting it and passing it to the right. He could roll a J faster than anybody too. He must have rolled about 6 or 8 J's and I was getting hit left and right, one right after the other til I had taken a big hit off each one. By the time I had gotten a hit off each one they were coming back around again. I was already tripping my ass off on some acid and mescaline. A couple of freaks (more of my friends) started doing Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart songs and it started to get a little too surreal for me. I had to go outside with a couple of friends to try and come down a bit. I had a cigarette and was watching the trails go all the way to the ground and back to the end of the cig, just like a yo-yo. I was also having auditory halucinations too; when one of the guys would say something I would hear it twice. I just though he was messing me. When I said something to them about it they both started talking and it was almost overwhelming. Later that night I crushed up a hit of acid and snorted it and we went to Larry's girlfriends house. She had this man-killer dog that came running up to me, growling and trying to bite me. I was seeing flashing lights and all sorts of weird stuff; I was totally freaked out. We went inside and listened to "DOA" by Bloodrock, LOL. I didn't do this much drugs as a normal thing but our drummer was moving and we got his ass fried - not to mention ourselves. My brain was sort of glazed over for a few days like I had been snorting Ora-Gel. I think that was the only time I ever had a bad experience but when you are that stupid you get what you ask for.


Well-Known Member
shenagen- do u think its possible you went "blind" because of low blood pressure caused by the weed? i once had a thing where i fell over..n buzzed out about a fish lol. because of a sudden light headiness that i assume is that? maybe cause of the high dose?


Well-Known Member
HAHA I saw... heard that video before I love it!!!
But I dont think it was really a cop I think they just say its a cop because their crack pirates


Well-Known Member
shenagen- do u think its possible you went "blind" because of low blood pressure caused by the weed? i once had a thing where i fell over..n buzzed out about a fish lol. because of a sudden light headiness that i assume is that? maybe cause of the high dose?

I'm sure my blood preasure was low..had to be. Back when it happened I tried to find out ,why, it happened. One of my friends in med school gave me an explination...but I can't remember what the hell it was( i am high right now though) It wasn't like a head rush either. For one I was allready standing...everybody was. That was the problem..I wanted to sit down but couldn't because of the people in the row behind. And second it lasted way too long.
What do you mean buzzed out about a fish? sounds funny yeah my brain would be mush