No crime was being committed at the time of the shooting. Unless walking is a crime.
if you point a gun at a cop, it is a felony. so he was killed during the commission of a felony.
a 15 year old with a gun walking down the street is a crime.
i can see where both sides are coming from. UB made a good point when he asked if the cops were admitting to murdering someone. does the law say when a DEATH occurs during the commission of a felony, or a MURDER? im not sure, and it probably depends on the state. but if it says murder, then either the cop murdered him and they both go to trial, or she was acting in self defense and the kid should be let go.
what happens if you and some friends are doing coke at your house, but one friend decides to only drink(he is of legal age to drink). then the friend drinks too much and dies. do all the other friends go to jail? if the law says 'if DEATH occurs during the commission of a felony', then they could be tried. but how would that be fair? why is it the friends' fault that he HIMSELF decided to drink more than he should have? sure, maybe they couldve told em to slow down, but still....
so its these kinds of situations that make me think the laws may say MURDER, and not DEATH. actually maybe not the word murder, but another legal term for it