could anyone help me with a humidity problem


Active Member
size of room is 6ft long 7ft tall 3ft wide 400wt light outlet fan rvk 125 two 6 inches holes at the bottom one with anormal extractor fan revered to bring air in and plus air circulater fan on a normal day temperture goes to about 74 hot periods it rises to about 84 the problem im having is humidity if im running rk 125 the humidity drops to about 39 once tiurned off the humididty rises to 59 62 im not sure what the corect humidity should be i think 39 is a bit low could someone tell me how to bring it up without turning on fan cheers


Well-Known Member
hang a wet towel up in the room with the bottom of the towel in a bucket of water, the towel should act like a wick and draw water up, as it dries it should increase your humidity


Well-Known Member
hang a wet towel up in the room with the bottom of the towel in a bucket of water, the towel should act like a wick and draw water up, as it dries it should increase your humidity

Why would one want to RAISE the humidity? Mine is between 50 and 60 as well, it did get up to over 70 for a couple of days. I am trying to figure out how to LOWER the humidity to around 25 or 30 for the last few weeks.