Couple of Questions about pollenation


Active Member
Hey everyone hope your all doing well :razz: just like to say thank you to the people running such a beautiful blog site about the most amazing process of weed :peace: before i get into the pollination stuff i have a quick question if anyone could help me, i have been hearing something about a species of marijuana that actually grows underwater, its not a plant that has been put upside down in water, its more like a coral growth or fungi on deep sea ocean bed. Now I've tried looking for anything about this on the net but unfortunately haven't found anything remotely close to what i have been told :confused: so if anyone out there knows anything about it or knows where to go to find out more it would be great if you could let me know :mrgreen:

Ok down to business, I've been growing for quite a while now, it is only bush but i get very nice strains and most of the time have bud that you would mistake with quality hydro :joint: but the past few crops have been pollinated just near budding and ruined my beautiful baby's, i always salvage what i can from the plants or try n stun the plant into being female again if i catch it early enough, now i know that any male plant in a one kilometer radius can send of it's spores to infect other plants but i was wondering if there was anything i could use to protect my special lil girls:weed: from getting owned, apart from shade cloth though because i don't want to restrict anymore light from them.

If anyone has any pointers that would be awesome cheers