Couple Questions


Active Member
Hey first time growing, smoked for 2ish years, thought id help do god's work :). Got one pot with some seeds. But I got a question. Ive read a couple threads and you all say that foil is bad and such, so what would be a good thing to use to reflect the light all around the plant?
and also, i rigged a cfl(11 watt) to my old lava lamp socket and i realize that i need more wattage, but i live in england and far away from a good department store .. closest one only sells up to 20 wat(sold out currently) do you think that i could rig like 3 more cfls to that one socket?
Also with tap water, you say its good, but needs to be left out for 24hrs.. By left out do you mean in a bucket just chilling out side? how much do i need to water my lady, dont want to under//over water her.
and where do you think i could by a PH tester? and would it accauly say PH tester on the box? or does the rest of the world call it somthing else :P lol.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. sorry for all the Questions, ha just want my pants to grow up big and strong.:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Shit, shoulda quoted you now I've got to scroll down to check your questions.

Got any money? If so go buy yourself a real light. Maybe a 400w HPS. secondly there are numerous grow shops in your country that sell everything you need to grow. Just do a search on hydroponic stores.

Water fed to your plants should be at room temp', and pref' 3 days old but at least 24 hours. Although all the 24 hours really does is get it to room temp and get rid of the chlorine, although there is no evidence to suggest chlorine is harmful to your plants.

You can buy ph test kits from your local hydro' store, they should stock everything you need.

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
Foil is bad because it creates hotspots.

I'm not too sure about the lighting though. I think three 11W cfls would be ok for seedlings, but not for flowering some proper bud. Your best bet is to look online for some HPS bulbs for flowering if you can't get any from a store. You can leave the tap water simpy in a bottle for 24 hours. I also do this for giving water to my reptiles. It's to remove the chorine.

About the pH tester, you could find these online, seeing as you don't live near a department store. Just google 'ph tester' and it should return tons of results.

Good luck buddy.


Well-Known Member
No, thankyou newfarmer. I always enjoy helping a new guy, gives me a sense of purpose.