Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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i don’t know. Just gonna keep on trucking’ I don’t give a fuck if you all end up dead in 2 years .. all I’m gonna say is… I told you so. And I’m betting that you didn’t even watch the video link, just like I’m not gonna spend an hour or 2 watching yours. People are different and weird.
This SHOULD be a discussion, and not a debate.
Why should it be a discussion? That's just such an odd statement. Have you read about those radio bursts from deep space? At this point they have more questions than answers, but if they report that they have so many hundreds of radio bursts recorded I don't turn around and say, well this should be open to discussion.

Unless you have a degree in this stuff, you aren't discussing it with anybody. You aren't debating it with anybody.
I don’t know what’s in it either… but I live my life like I’ve always had. No masks, no vax., no worries.

Masks - almost forgot....

Anyone consider how long your mask - even an N95 - is DESIGNED to last?
About 8 hours last time I read the SDS.

After 8 hours your mask will begin to break down - especially if "stored" by wadding it up into a pocket or a purse.
As the mask breaks down, it will begin to shed plasticized paper particles that the wearer will inhale.
Nothing like a little plastic in the lungs, eh?

BUT - The Dread Pirate Westley predicted this in the '80s...

Why should it be a discussion? That's just such an odd statement. Have you read about those radio bursts from deep space? At this point they have more questions than answers, but if they report that they have so many hundreds of radio bursts recorded I don't turn around and say, well this should be open to discussion.

Unless you have a degree in this stuff, you aren't discussing it with anybody. You aren't debating it with anybody.

What a bunch of crap!!
Where's your degree??? Probably sitting next to mine.
Yet you are clearly debating so.ething that's over your head - as am I.

I did have a discussion --- with people much more educated than I am. One is a legit virologist, the rest work in the Emergency Room and ICU.

So yes - that was a discussion with multiple medical professionals.
But you say they're moral fuck-ups and slow-minded because they waited.

Makes perfect sense...:wall:
What a bunch of crap!!
Where's your degree??? Probably sitting next to mine.
Yet you are clearly debating so.ething that's over your head - as am I.

I did have a discussion --- with people much more educated than I am. One is a legit virologist, the rest work in the Emergency Room and ICU.

So yes - that was a discussion with multiple medical professionals.
But you say they're moral fuck-ups and slow-minded because they waited.

Makes perfect sense...:wall:

lol, I'm saying that statically they are insignificant when you have how million that got it right away. If you're talking about the health workers. But yeah, now I am sure you aren't discussing it with anybody. Listening and discussing is different, but you are too smart to get that. You are Bart am I. Deal.
What a bunch of crap!!
Where's your degree??? Probably sitting next to mine.
Yet you are clearly debating so.ething that's over your head - as am I.

I did have a discussion --- with people much more educated than I am. One is a legit virologist, the rest work in the Emergency Room and ICU.

So yes - that was a discussion with multiple medical professionals.
But you say they're moral fuck-ups and slow-minded because they waited.

Makes perfect sense...:wall:
MAGA by doing each other in, you are mostly killing and fucking over your own kind at this point. Old republicans are vaxxed and many die every election cycle, almost half of republicans are unvaxxed and a lot of 40 to 50 year old's either die, or are fucked for life. A small number young democrats are the only ones unvaxxed among the liberals. Natural immunity doesn't last that long and covid will be the gift that keeps on giving, it's endemic now thanks to the same people it is killing in large numbers. So by all means MAGA by doing yerself in and fucking your health and employment prospects. Soon young school aged children will be vaxxed and the liberals will care even less about what happens to you. In fact, yer so vulnerable to fear driven rumors and conspiracy theories that liberals are now hatching them for you to turn your own fear upon yourselves. It's not just the psychos and con artists who lead you any more, others are joining in to fuck you as well.

Guys like @UncleBuck are probably on rightwing forums pumping out fresh anti vaccine conspiracy theories right now. He could kill a lot more Trumpers like that, than with a baseball bat. :wink: Notice I'm not trying to counter you antivaxx and antimask bullshit. Masks do need to be changed out frequently, but it's more of an issue for the unvaxxed though, than the vaxxed, who wear them to protect the vulnerable and stupid.
Let them wallow in and swallow their own shit, soon young school aged kids will be vaxxed. We should start encouraging them to MAGA, thousands of mostly traitors are dying every week and many times that number are having their health fucked over and now they will lose their jobs or fold, most will fold unfortunately. Death or a good fucking is the traditional penalty for treason and I figure it's time ya helped them to MAGA. Between death and them being fucked for life it's gonna make a difference in some close districts and states, the democrats will need every vote they can get in 2022. Dead republicans don't vote (most of the time) and fucked over or sick ones might not make it to the polls or be too enthusiastic. Most of the republicans and right leaning independents who are vaxxed are elderly and they die off in large numbers every election cycle.

They are overwhelming their states healthcare systems, quality of care will go down and the mortality rate will increase. Meanwhile their healthcare workers are moving to states with brains and the next couple of years will see them in serious trouble. When they go to a hospital in a couple of years, there will be a black or brown person treating them after moving to their state for a good high paying job. More democratic voters in their states and gerrymandered districts then, MAGA!

I'm not MAGA - and I'm not Liberal either --- FUCK THEM ALL - especially overly opinionated assholes from BOTH sides.
Right your a libertarian who votes for Trump. There is no middle ground, no man's land is dead man's land the home of the amoral. So both sides are the same to you, how perceptive :D . You believe and spout bullshit, that's fine with me, since yer killing and fucking over republicans. Traitors do deserve to die and be fucked over and this way works too.
Right your a libertarian who votes for Trump. There is no middle ground, no man's land is dead man's land the home of the amoral. So both sides are the same to you, how perceptive :D . You believe and spout bullshit, that's fine with me, since yer killing and fucking over republicans. Traitors do deserve to die and be fucked over and this way works too.

Absolutely incredible.
Wrong again - serious POS.

I don't remember the last time I read something so bigoted and vitriolic or STUPID.

You know NOTHING about me - yet you label me with everything you can come up with to satisfy your need to screech.

Text-book bigotry.

Hope you enjoy your judgement of strangers - and they punch you in the face.
What a bunch of crap!!
Where's your degree??? Probably sitting next to mine.
Yet you are clearly debating so.ething that's over your head - as am I.

I did have a discussion --- with people much more educated than I am. One is a legit virologist, the rest work in the Emergency Room and ICU.

So yes - that was a discussion with multiple medical professionals.
But you say they're moral fuck-ups and slow-minded because they waited.

Makes perfect sense...:wall:
I did too
My doctor of forty years asked me to vaccinate
I have no idea his political affiliations nor care
I also have no fb account
You should try both
Right your a libertarian who votes for Trump. There is no middle ground, no man's land is dead man's land the home of the amoral. So both sides are the same to you, how perceptive :D . You believe and spout bullshit, that's fine with me, since yer killing and fucking over republicans. Traitors do deserve to die and be fucked over and this way works too.
it is so sweet to sit back and watch them self immolate...they don't want the vaccine? ok...i'm past my only wish is that they get sick and die so quickly that they don't have a chance to tie up hospital beds that people who are actually productive members of society need for pre existing conditions, and by people who are vaccinated but get a breakthrough infection, probably caused by an unvaccinated trumptard incubator...
it is so sweet to sit back and watch them self immolate...they don't want the vaccine? ok...i'm past my only wish is that they get sick and die so quickly that they don't have a chance to tie up hospital beds that people who are actually productive members of society need for pre existing conditions, and by people who are vaccinated but get a breakthrough infection, probably caused by an unvaccinated trumptard incubator...
Or worse we go brain dead and join their cult :oops:
Or worse we go brain dead and join their cult :oops:
....never fucking happen...the whole thing is repulsive to me. the idea that we should let a very vocal, stupid minority given to violence have any kind of voice in the choices we make as a nation makes me want to vomit. the idea that we should let them go unprotected from a contagious disease that kills people in a horrible way to protect their "rights", while they infect people around them who have taken all the steps available to protect themselves, or who can't take those steps because of pre-existing conditions, or are too young to take the makes me ashamed to be the same species as them. when does it stop being a personal choice and become a menace to the common good? about a year ago, that's when.
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