I use and have used MG for 30 years to germ and to veg. For flower I mix my own that has about 30% MG in it. MG is not the demon people think it is and will not burn your plants, but you have to understand that it has nutz in it that you are adding nutz to it. The only question I have every had ( I should just call them tomorrow) is when the bag says FOR EXAMPLE 10-10-10 time released, its that the Total that will be release over time, or is that each time it is release. Also is their anything in MG to stabilize it so it’s always 10-10-10. I do not know. I did find out, when I bought some perlight that was made by MG, its has Nutz in it and did not say so on the bag, it was labeled in the ingredients. Something to watch for. But again there is nothing wrong with MG, if you know how to grow plants and know why you are doing what you are doing. I personally think most of the expensive nutz and “Organic soils” are a scam, but I don’t use Premium Gas either.