Craziest shit you got away with!

I was thinking the same.

I was stopped doing 80MPH in a 35. Oh they had their guns drawn and all.

They let me go after telling me to fix my exhaust and slow down.

I just paid a photo radar ticket from months ago. I filed for a court case and got all the paperwork with photos etc and paid the ticket the day before my appearance last week. $126 for 75 in a 60kmh zone. The speed changed right at a light coming into Grande Prairie while still in the industrial zone on the outskirts and I'm pretty sure I was running the yellow. No demerit points for photo radar as they can't prove who was driving. Cash grab kind of BS that does nothing for road safety.

Last December I got a ticket from a cop with a radar trap just a few miles down the highway from my place. 126 in a 100kmh zone but he gave me a ticket for less so I wouldn't be over the speed for a double fine and points on my license. That was nice and makes me wonder if it was my white privilege that helped. Didn't ask me anything just took my paperwork and went back to his SUV to check me out then came back with a ticket.

I waited until the court date to go contest it but the court was closed so texted the crown counsel in the city north of us and a half hour later was told the court withdrew the charge. That was $146 and 3 demerit points I saved there. Last ticket I got before that was in 2001 for speeding so still have a clean driver's abstract.

Definitely need to fix the power cord for my radar detector and get that in the car. Off to GP again tomorrow for a brain scan and not known to stick to the posted speed but will be more watchful. Speed on the main highway is 110kmh or almost 70mph so doing 125 is what most people do. Very flat and wide open most of the way so not a lot of places to hide a radar trap.

Got pulled over with an eight ball and vial of acid (90s) that my girlfriend stuck in her bra. I was relieved when it was just a male office since they can’t search females well but he proceeded to call a female there just to be a dick. She rubbed down her boobs and pulled out her bra but nothing fell out and we got let go.

Also got pulled over with a lb of mersh under my seat and talked my way out of a ticked and didn’t get searched.
I use to be crazy. My wife says anymore they would just shoot me.

I hit a Cop trying to get him to arrest me but the Jail was full so he just stayed with me until I passed out and he put me to Bed.

Got a Ticket from a Cop setting at the Speed Limit Sign. Then rescued him out of a burning building.

Cops tried hauling me in for two counts of Hit and Run.

They told me if I didn't get out of their face they was going to cuff me. Cuffs didn't keep me out of their face. Dry County. They turn me lose.

I like letting my wife drive she gets stopped she shows her badge and they give her a warning.
OKC in the 90's. One Tribe. Such a good scene.
A buddy of mine (Billy) got picked up by the cops while we were out. They had him in the car and cuffed. He was about 10 minutes away from the county jail. He was anxious as hell. Sweating and eyes all crazy. He asked if he could give his wallet to me, so I could pay his bail. They agreed, took his wallet, about opened it, but then handed it to me. My buddies eyes about popped out of his head, but when I got his wallet, a huge wave of relief washed over him and he sat back and chilled. They drove him off and I looked in his wallet. He had about 4 sheets worth of acid and a couple of ecstasy pills. He was about to go in for life. And the cop had it in his hand and almost looked in there.
Another time, I was driving through a tiny tiny town around 2 am headed home on a long drive. I was smoking a nice bomber. I got lights behind me all of a sudden. No chance to ditch the joint or nothing. I just pulled over. Rolled the window down as the cop walked up. It looked like a cheech and chong scene. He was laughing and shaking his head. He gave me a warning, told me to slow down, and let me drive off. I just lit the joint back up and drove home.
Some crazy shit, I had a chip on my should at the matrix agents for planting a bomb in my camp site. It was a pretty nice electric motor from a kids dirt bike. I held onto it for about a year not knowing what I would do with it. Then it happened that I needed a boat motor so I tried fashioning it into such, spent a whole week and it completely failed. There are no coincidences in the matrix, so it was a trap, cause I sure hated myself for it. I decided I had to get it out so I went and bought a woven basket and set out to fill it with scooter batteries. Scooter boosting! So you know I spent about three weeks leaving dead scooters all over town, not giving a shit! Some where thrown in the river. But I was coming up on (what could be) my last night boosting when I came across one scooter that was completely dead already. This I had never seen before. Then I went down to another park and grabbed another scooter, taking it down to a table. There was some kids around so i just sat on it for like 5 minutes. Then I boosted it and walked it down the path to a tree and left it, and walked away. About 100ft out I see two guys with flashlights and when they find the scooter they start howling. I think most people would've run, but I had my dog with me so I kinda brushed it off. Then I walk to my bike and the 5-0 speeds to the parking lot. Luckily I ended up getting away, but I would've been so screwed in life if I had got caught.
i drove this girls brand new car through a corn field, early high school days. we were looking for a friend who was smoking back there. We came up on him and another guy and shocked the hell out of them. corn everywhere. blotting out the windshield. we did some donuts, left, got pulled over by a cop.. it was corn in the grille that got us caught. got a ticket for driving without a license. I guess... mostly got away with..

i also tried to save a guy from jumping off a 200ft bridge to his death. I hung one handed off the railing. I was drunk, when the cops came he jumped, i grabbed him, they pulled him out of my hands. that one is crazier and would take longer to explain. They didnt arrest me but driving over that bridge now, remembering what i did still scares me to this day..

i spent years hiking to/studding rattlesnakes and copperheads at their den sites in the NE. I wrote a book on the subject, have had 20 rattlesnakes all around me, buzzing, it was wild. The snakes themselves are safer than some of the cliffs, ledges and climbs getting up to some of them. I wouldn't go back to a lot of them for that reason. Even a ten foot fall can kill you.

anything else on that list are likely stories i wouldn't tell due to legal reasons.
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One time me and a friend was drinking. We picked up some women.

Later on we all decided we needed to pee. We decided to go to City Park. The Restrooms were locked so we decided to go by the car.

Women were all squatted in front of the car. I just went hung it out. One of the women. Do you mind? No go ahead.
One time me and a friend was drinking. We picked up some women.

Later on we all decided we needed to pee. We decided to go to City Park. The Restrooms were locked so we decided to go by the car.

Women were all squatted in front of the car. I just went hung it out. One of the women. Do you mind? No go ahead.
I got bored harassing this girl I'm stalking online so I went on Facebook and started chatting with her sister. I couldn't believe it but she went to the bathroom with me on video chat like it was nothing!
I was rolling a joint on the side of the road on an road atlas and I didnt notice him until he was right in back of my window and I turned the page.
I then pretend to be lost and pointed on the page of the atlas the weed was under and said thats were Im trying to go to. I picked out a spot he knew, a park right in front of us. It happened so fast its like I was a stoned jason born
close one for sure