Crazy morning


Well-Known Member
So my phone goes off at 630am, it's my son and he has just got into a scuffle with the neighbor at the motel he was at last night. The dude and his girl were up smoking crack all night and they started arguing this morning and dude started throwing her shit out of the room, well my son was minding his business until the shit he was throwing out started landing on his car so he says something.. Dude takes a blast from his pipe and says "fuck you" and throws his pipe and hits my son.. So it's on, manager comes out to breakup and dude jumps on him so my son gets him off of manager and shit well now cops are there.. Cops immediately go for my son and manager says woah he saved me it's this guy u want.. Long story short, dude went to jail and they told my son to cool off..

Good morning lol