Crazy things you have ever done on L???

Real shit makes the best story lines. To this day from time to time I'll hear somebody bring it up. It's really interesting when they don't know it was me. The best part was following behind my friend and listening to the comments about some weirdo who just gave them free blow. It ruined my profit for the weekend but hey it was a good time. Now I just live in the woods and grow and smoke weed.
Real shit makes the best story lines. To this day from time to time I'll hear somebody bring it up. It's really interesting when they don't know it was me. The best part was following behind my friend and listening to the comments about some weirdo who just gave them free blow. It ruined my profit for the weekend but hey it was a good time. Now I just live in the woods and grow and smoke weed.

Mos definitely bro thank you for sharing. Gave me a few really good laughs. Gotta love festies and all the crazy shit that goes on at them haha
Layed a gram on white in my buddys r.v...had taken a bunch of mda in the middle..combined with being spun,I actually thought I was outside and poured half a beer on my buddys floor in the r.v.(it was a hot beer)..there's pages of L laying on solo cups all around waiting to dry and I'm creating a nusiance/danger to the L....dumb,not crazy...
Layed a gram on white in my buddys r.v...had taken a bunch of mda in the middle..combined with being spun,I actually thought I was outside and poured half a beer on my buddys floor in the r.v.(it was a hot beer)..there's pages of L laying on solo cups all around waiting to dry and I'm creating a nusiance/danger to the L....dumb,not crazy...
Better than laying it down in a tent :lol: Lol
Went to a Psy festival at an actual mental hospital. That was fucked up. Saw Alice Cooper on 500mics... That was RAD.
Layed a gram on white in my buddys r.v...had taken a bunch of mda in the middle..combined with being spun,I actually thought I was outside and poured half a beer on my buddys floor in the r.v.(it was a hot beer)..there's pages of L laying on solo cups all around waiting to dry and I'm creating a nusiance/danger to the L....dumb,not crazy...

I'd just make up a bottle of concentrate and then use a syringe to dose out the droppers. Get pure alcohol and water mix just right and a 3.2 ml bottle has exactly 100 drops, so mix concentrate so one ml has 120000 mics and bob's yer uncle, a nice neat production line, run past one ml concentrate per bottle boom boom boom then fill 'em up on the next pass :) Bottles put into holes drilled in a wooden breadboard so it's stable, fast and easy.

In the late 90's some guys in Cape Town got a gram. Problem was they didn't know what to do with it, so they dissolved it in water and then SOAKED SPAGHETTI with their acid mix. Let it dry and try to chop it up... Stuff came in random sized pieces, sharp edges that actually cut your tongue. And you had NO idea of how strong it was going to be either lol. Kinda varied between strong, really strong and 'See you on Tuesday buddy'... A visit to CT and a talk with anybody on the party scene back then will confirm this lol lol lol...
In the late 90's some guys in Cape Town got a gram. Problem was they didn't know what to do with it, so they dissolved it in water and then SOAKED SPAGHETTI with their acid mix. Let it dry and try to chop it up... Stuff came in random sized pieces, sharp edges that actually cut your tongue. And you had NO idea of how strong it was going to be either lol. Kinda varied between strong, really strong and 'See you on Tuesday buddy'... A visit to CT and a talk with anybody on the party scene back then will confirm this lol lol lol...

That's one reason why most people with the crystal these days won't deal with people that can't do simple math.
That's one reason why most people with the crystal these days won't deal with people that can't do simple math.

Bro as long as you have the money you can buy it. Oh and the right connections too. I'm really reluctant to believe guys when they talk about grams anyway. People do stuff the way they claim to and they'll be getting pretty fucked up and losing a LOOOOOOOT of money.
A gram is 5000 doses at 125 mics. It's a distributor's amount of acid, not a dealer. No distributor will ever claim to have touched a gram. Not if he loves his freedom. You'll get lcked up longer for acid than anything else, because you are seen as a true menace to social stability.
Mad will not sell a gram to just anybody..after it leaves the circle,yes. Some stupid frat boy with a lot of daddys $ MIGHT get ahold of some raw,but as for everyone usually,unless you are shown how to lay it and are respected enough to be given that much power..u ain't gettin it.
A distributor amount is and friends and I would go through a gram a week,sometimes 3...anyone can grab up 10 ten-packs..bring money to a furthur show..
Not me man. You have to be in control of your mind the whole time. I've watched all of my friends wig out at least once, but I never really got how they couldn't just tell themselves it was the drug and talk themselves out of wigging out.

If you are in control of your mind the whole time you aren't doing it right.
You know those rides that are like a giant slingshot with 2 towers and cords going down to a half of a capsule with 2 seats? They fling you up in the air, And they video tape you. Well last summer for my first time riding it, I was frying very hard on some good liquid. We waited in line forever, and there were a group of cops right there just talking. So that added to the tension because I had weed on me. But we finally got to the ride and got in. It made me claustrophobic right away and I was thinking about getting off. I was also thinking paranoid thoughts and picturing the cords snapping and we just go flying super high and crash. But my partner was calm so that helped. They checked and made sure we were in good, and lowered us down almost underground. He started a countdown, and my heart was about to blow up, then the guy shot us off before he got down to 2. It took my breath away and felt like I was suffocating, at the same time the girl next to me was screaming her head off. It felt like we were going way too high, and I thought the cords actually did snap, but still couldn't breathe or anything... god only knows how people scream on that thing. it of course didn't snap and we went back down n up a few more times. Then they keep you stranded in the air for a minute before bringing you back down. I'm a pussy when it comes to certain rides like that, so it was just way too scary on acid, but I'd do it again anytime. In the video the girl next to me is screaming and smiling, but I had the most serious and terrified look ever, with my jaw clenched down and my eyes squinted. Pure horror. After I knew I wasn't going to die yet, it was the ultimate euphoria. I could barely stand when we got back down, like a girl that just had a huge orgasm trying to stand.. You gotta try it. Rollercoasters on L don't compare. Those big drop towers do though.
You know those rides that are like a giant slingshot with 2 towers and cords going down to a half of a capsule with 2 seats?

Thats fucking crazy! I read this and started laughing! Any L story that starts with this line is a good one! Dude, I am putting myself in that situation and I am cracking up just thinking of it!!!

This story is the best one so far

I wish I could see that picture.. LOL
A gram is 5000 doses at 125 mics. It's a distributor's amount of acid, not a dealer. No distributor will ever claim to have touched a gram. Not if he loves his freedom. You'll get lcked up longer for acid than anything else, because you are seen as a true menace to social stability.

IT is true what you say about people in prison for selling LSD, really a sad trip to even think about that.... fucking major bummer
Alright, this one tops the cake for me. Just horrible. I took three alex grey blotters with one of my friends back when I was probably about 16 years old. This is pretty long but it's the best I've got xD

In the beginning of the night, we were dropping off our friend who had sold us the acid. On our way back we stop at a circle K because my buddy had to take a shit. The acid had already kicked in, but we each only took two and were saving the other because they were very potent. While I am sitting in my car, I saw something out of the corner of my eye just blitz passed my car. For a second I thought maybe it was the acid. But then two clerks come running outside, they sat on the curb probably about 15 feet away from my car and I could hear them talking. One clerk had his hand in his face, and the other was talking to him, he said something like'what in the hell just happened?' and then the other one said something like 'I don't know, he ran that way' then they said something about how they called 911. So in fear of getting questioned I was frantic. My friend luckily got done and got in the car not knowing that anything even happened(I'm still confused on what exactly happened, but we're pretty sure that they got robbed because that's what would seem most logical.). As we left, we took the other hit because we figured why not let's just have an awesome(er) night. I took off and got about 100 feet away from this circle K and this cop started to follow us. He followed us for a pretty god damned long time because that gas station is pretty far from where I lived. There used to be this stop sign on this road that literally came out of nowhere. Every time. Of course if you were a normal person you would probably remember about it every time because it's common sense. But unfortunately I have a very bad memory and was on acid and wasn't thinking about the stop sign. Suddenly I saw it and slammed on my breaks. Oops... Me and my friend knew we were screwed. We were both frying laughing our asses off about how we were getting pulled over and what kind of trouble we were going to get into. I remember I kept trying to see how dilated my eyes were at that point, and I couldn't even see my eyes in the mirror because of all the lights. Hell when he got to the window I could hardly make out his face. I don't remember exact words, but the conversation went something like this. "Did you guys come from that circle K a few miles back?". "Yeah, my friend had to poop so we stopped there". "Oh. Okay. You guys don't have any small pipes or anything on you do you(which I did)? You don't smoke pot?" "No sir." "You guys aren't addicted to heroin or anything"(yes, he asked this? I really don't know why. But it made us chuckle. Then he let us go. Now imagine having that conversation on acid with a cop. It was horrible. And plus this whole time I had a hit of acid in my gums near my teeth where he couldn't have noticed.
but the trouble isn't over there..

Then we met up with my other two friends who were also frying. At this period, one of the friends who we met up with and I stole cough medicine and alcohol pretty much on the daily. It was so easy back then. After this time though, I cut out the theft thing. I remember it scared me too bad. But he wanted to steal some captain. So he did, and I decided 'hey, I'm on acid, let's drink robitussin!' lol...... Anyways, we go in there, probably around 3am at this point. Nobody in there but workers. My friend starts babbling about where the bathroom is, looking really suspicious. Hesitating his words.. You know. It was awkward. So he gets the bottle, I get my robo. Then as we are walking out there is a huge black guy and another huge farmer over-all white dude. They were really scary looking, we both knew what they were there for. But, they let him go saying 'have a nice day.' then they stopped me. I stepped back, the black guy says 'you gonna give me whatchu got?'. Now this was terrifying because his face looked like some crazy god damned kaleidoscope and he was bent over me.. God.. Damn. I remember I was so scared of him.
Then I pulled myself together. I remember I started laughing because they were because they knew they got me and successfully scared the living shit out of me. I wasn't having it. So I acted like I was walking with them, and then took the robo out of my pocket, almost handed it to him, then I made some weird high pitched noise while throwing the robo up into the air, and then just dashed right in between them. It was fucking glorious. I had flip flops on and almost ate the ground. But then they both came off and I kept running and didn't look back. My friends were all in the parking lot still laughing so fucking loudly screaming 'RUN RUNNN!!!!' Then I ran all the way to this hospital next to in, bear foot. They came and got me and we went to steak and shake.

I had just started working there, it was my second day. But since it was so late, nobody there cared that we were on drugs. I went back and promptly made myself a shake. An employee came back that I hadn't met yet and asked me what the fuck I was doing so I told him I worked there. He disagreed with me and took me out of the kitchen. My friend saved me though because he worked there too and told the guy that I did actually work there. Then everyone who was there kept asking me why I had no shoes on. I just told everyone it was a long story. Because it really is. But it is seered into my memory very vividly because it was definitely a strange day to begin with. Especially after eating that acid.