Create your own grow room!


Create your own grow room in my basement!

I have a 15.5ft (L) x 8ft (W) x 7ft (H) room in my basement with a small window-well window

Here is what I need:

-Soil as growing medium

-Capacity to harvest an average of at least 8oz per month (efficiency is key)

-Automatic watering system

-Intake of fresh air can only come through window

-Exhaust can run out of the room and is already planned

-Preferably run HPS lights with air cooled hoods or cool tubes (previous experience)

-Each separate growing "chamber" must be air tight

-Include an area (sealed and ventilated) for drying

I have some plans of my own but they are constantly changing.

So what I want to know is, if this was your space to work with (and my money) what would you do to achieve my goals?

I have only been through about 3 grows so I am still learning. I am very ambitious with this project so I can be setup for success and sustainability (not having to buy ever again) however certain things like CO2 enrichment, or hydro or aero ponics. This may be novice of me but I would rather stick to what I know and what I have had success with before I move onto what may be bigger and better.

Enough talking, let me know what you can come up with, I would really appreciate the help and plan on starting a journal once it gets going so I can show its progress being built and grown.



In a nutshell that is exactly my plan, but what kind of watering system do you have there? That's the one thing I'm still unsure of. I know I want my reservoir to be underneath each box but I wasn't sure how to water the plants from there. preferably I want a system that the plants sit on top of so all you have to do is place the plants down and the water will come from below them. Rather than having to set up drippers or something on each pot every time.