Critical mass Monster


Has anyone grown these before?... If so whats the quality like?...
Just picked up 3 seeds from my local headshop (Ali Bongos) Their site says its a good yielder and a pretty good potency


Well-Known Member
Wish i knew how to breed lol
There is a great deal of literature on it. Amateur ventures are best classified as pollen chucking and I par take. Look for males, they can be a mixed blessing. I had a beautiful plant I fell in love with.. Turned out a male so I took the pollen and made some of my own crosses.. That was about five years ago now. Some of the offspring make it into my runs a lot of them where discards tho. That's the nature of the beast tho. True breeders cross back to stabilize their line, I don't have the means to carry this out so I just make my own..then clone out the ones I like. Check out the pollen chuckers thread and don't listen to the nay sayers (for what ever reason there are some out there)


I always like the idea of it after seeing heath robinsons V3 strain
That what got the idea rolling a long time ago lol
But i will check it out thankyou.. you never know i may find a perfect specimen :)