CRITIK'S==I N D O O R TO O U T D O O R Grow==Sour Diesel--HeadBand--Lemon Skunk


Active Member
So I started these Lady's(I Hope)on 4/8/12 They ave been vegging for 16 days. My lemon Skunk is a Clone which I am waiting to root. Right now they are indoors until they get a little bigger then I will be transplanting them outside for maximum yield. I have never did a outdoor grow before So I am hoping all goes well.

~Other Info~
I Germinated my seeds using the paper towel method 3 Headband's 1 Sour Diesel I originally put down 4 Headband's But 1 Failed to pop. Recently I was givin a Lemon Skunk Clone Which is now in the process of being rooted in a jiffy pellet. After Germination they where put into Solo Cups Where they will Grow until it is time to put them outside.

As for Nutes I am using the BioThrive line. BioThrive Grow 4-3-3/BioThrive Bloom 2-4-4 Also Some CaMg+ by General Hydroponics. I plan on using some of the other BioThrive Items But Have not yet gotten them.
As for my Medium It isn't so fancy I picked up some Happy Frog along with some Perlite and Worm Castings I followed Instruction on the Bag for adding Worm Castings And perlite- Think it was 4 parts soil 2 parts worm castings and 4 or 5 parts perlite.
For my light's as of now I just have some CFL's In a Cab where my plants are vegging it out for now.


Ok so Here is some pictures of the Progress Strangely the Headband Which I had more Hope out of is growing a lot slower then this Sour Diesel. And the Leafs on the HeadBand Are very Strange Maybe it is just bad Genetics You decide.

Sour Diesel~Notice how Mid way up on the plant with the 5 fingered leafs the edges of the leaf are fading to light green is that a sign of CaMg Def or To high/low PH? Also if you look closely at the bottom 5 fingered leaf(middle Leaf) it has some brown dots That is why I think it is some kind of CaMg or Ph problem..
HeadBand~Very slow Grower for some reason I think I got bad genetics with all these. Although Very nice looking no problems like the Sour Diesel Leafs look nice and green.
Headband~Really slow growing But very different set of leafs does this has not spiked at the end more smooth And thick. What You think this means?
Lemon Skunk~Not yet rooted getting there tho. Also the other pellets are Poppys Tasmanian..

Well that's that if you have any further question let me know.



Active Member

Sorry it has taking so long I have been busy. So I had ran in to some Nutrient burn problems that was not posted on here with the help of some awesome people I was able to get them back in shape atleast I think. My lemon skunk clone has rooted and was put in a solo cup for now until Root growth begins to come out the bottom of the cup.
Sour Diesel~ I Don't understand this plant I flush transplant and use Distilled water and it still has burned edges in some places. But the new growth is coming out of this thing like clockwork its crazy.
HeadBand~I don't know why this one is doing so much better then the Sour D.
All of them
HeadBand~Love the leaves on this but still a super slow grower.
Lemon Skunk~Clone is doing good

