Critique Me Veg Setup


Active Member
OK, First time indoor grower. Been reading on here for 2 weeks, and I am soo ready to harvest already. Anyways. Here is my setup so far. Im in the process of making my home made vacation watering system. Will keep you posted. I switched out the flors with Plant ones. They have a more blue tent to them. One small fan blowing 24/0 like the light.

I have a 400HPS on the way. Anyways, anything I should add, just through it out there.



Active Member
The bag said potting soil w/worm castings, organic mulch, perlite ect. I did not notice it till you mentioned it looks like majority of it is mulch.

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
thats cool i have a peat moss pearlite mix how long will that water last for on ur system how long is ur vacation?


Active Member
I have timed and measured. The small tupperware bin will work for 4 days of watering. IM leaving for 6 days. So what I am going to do, is water heavy the morning I leave. Have the timer go off for 1 min a day, starting 2 days after I leave.

Should work out perfect. Im going to test the system again tomm morning. Will give an update when I get back. how many inches do you think the plants will grow in 6 days?

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
6 days is a long time id say bout 3-4 inches maybe less not shure but it depends on light and the time keep the light on for 24/7 till u get back that will pump up ur profit


Active Member
Light has been on 24/7 (no time). When they get older, I will crank it down to 18/6. I know, how easy can these little guys die. I just don't run out of water or something. Can they go for 3 days with out water?

I can't wait to see the yield off these. I don't even know what type of strain. My guess is there going to be reg. weed seeds from mexico crap. Who knows. But I have a feeling even if there are,once grow indoors and taken care of, they should produce way better bud with more THC then there parents did.


New Member
Agreed, ditch the foil. Foil is only like 50% reflective anyway, white paint is WAY better. Also Considerrunning one main line from the pump and have all your lines feeding your drippers coming from that line. All those splitters and reductions are bound to lead to less consistent watering from one pot to the next.
Good Luck

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
yea 3 days is fine just as long as its not to hot so the media dont dryout to the bottom if u over water 1 day u should be fine for at least 2 days just as long as its not way to windy or hot good luck


Active Member
Removing foil(did not know). The watering system is actually pretty consistent. I have a small fan on the plants, but it gets down to 60 at night and 78 in day. So I only turn on the fan when I get home from work to get the temps down to around an average of 74 and hum at about 55-60. I think I will leave the fan off, and water ever 2 days for 1 min. Should be ok. Will give an update when I get back.


Active Member
Plants seems to grow better with small fan on as opposed off. Leaving on vacation today, watch the drip system turn on for todays watering before leaving on vacation. Very confident all plants will remain alive and thrive. Will update in 6 more days. :)

I hate leaving my babies, its soo hard!!!


Active Member
And there all alive but one. Well, I think it will still grow, but we'll see. I was a bit worried when I got home, I opened the door slowly and peeked in and was like,"hellz yea!"

So the watering system worked perfectly. Here are some pics of the babies.




Active Member
Thanks Cheetah, good point they are stretching up high then bushing up a bit. I raised it before I left cause I was afraid they where going to grow into the bulb and heat up. But now that you mentioned stretching, I never looked at it that way. Now I have the bulb about an inch a way from leaves.

Should change the growth a bit. Will keep you posted in the Grow Journal from this link.