Crop Circle of Bud Questions. Hobbes Please Help!

I have Seen The so-called Crop Circle of Bud grows that have been documented here but I am still alittle unclear on a few things

What is Meant by "fan them out like a deck of cards". I am having a hard time visualizing the training methods used once the plant is already horizontal.

Anyone with experience please set me straight.

CCOB seems like just the thing i need to get my Veg and Flower rooms behind one door.


Well-Known Member
Before I try googling the answer, I'll say it sounds like some kind of LST trick
Well I give up
I have no idea what you're talking about
But from the way you talk about it
It sounds like its just low stress training
Before I try googling the answer, I'll say it sounds like some kind of LST trick
Well I give up
I have no idea what you're talking about
But from the way you talk about it
It sounds like its just low stress training
Why Did You even type that? Are you just bored?

Did you raise your hand in class when you didn't Know the answer?

I'm sorry man, but we have really lowered the bar as far as BBS's go. Just random newbs posting away with "I dunno for sure but" "I think I heard of a guy who"

I am a Longtime lurker and this is not (even close to) my first grow.

But I digress

I am very impressed with Hobbes method and would like some more info. Specificlly the training used AFTER the stem goes horizontal. Some of His later Pics seem to show Non-Circular grows.

My interes it piqued

The airfloor, by the way is a godsend for spidermites check it out.

Please anyone familiar with this or similar techniques set me straight.
Hobbes is the man.

Any Horizontal grow info would be appreciated. I've read all there is, and I am just looking for first-hand experience.

Thanks in advance



Active Member
Hi blue I think if I have read it right is he wraps the two stems around the tomato trainer untiil they meet then off into flower. What I take from this is the stems stop growing and stretching and all the growth goes into the bud sites along the main stem which will then all grow up uniformly towards the light.

You can be quite aggresive with the stems and they will recover from any damage and like broken bones be stronger for it so all the bud sites get lots of nutrients

" fan them out like a deck of cards "I think means that there should be a fairly uniform gap between the nodes when put into flower that then start growing upwards from the horizontal stem nicely fanned out.

I hope that helps in some why sorry just noticed this thread is a bit old hope you sorted it out

Short Bus

Active Member
Howdy BB, I've been doing the Crop Circle thing for a bit so I'll take a swing at this. Fanning the leaves basically means tucking them around the stems to the outside of the circle, so light can get through as deep as possible. Fanning means spreading the leaves so they don't block each other from the light.

Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
Well I ain't Hobbes But I am Calvin and have been messing around with this technique for a while and gotta say it's as easy as it is fun to play with! Short bus has it right with the tucking of leaves, and some string for a few stubborn stems... just remember while training to not push the plant to far too fast. after being tied to the side for the first time, depending on light, you should be able to pull it even further to the desired resting place in a few hours to a day. Be patient, and it will grow exactly as you command... Personally i pinch the top of the plant before starting the horizontal grow phase so there is a nice strong knuckle where the main bend will be, that way it has the strength to hold up those heavy buds in this sideways position. This pinching or super cropping technique helps with any stem you use it on and the bent/slightly broken stem will turn into a nice fat knuckle in a few days of good light and hardly slows growth, rather it redirects it to other areas of the plant while it heals... so experiment and post some pics! Here is one of my first tries at this.



Well-Known Member
pinch/suppercrop and LST just educating the newbies to the theory... It's super fun times too!
That is not CCOB. What you do is just LST.

Here is half of my last CCOB plant.

Here is the under-carriage, shortly before I harvested the first half last week.


Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
they are the same. I think rasputin 71 just doesn't realize These pics are taken 4-6 weeks before flowering and is only the beginning of the Circle Crop Of Bud, if you believe I am wrong please argue your point R71... did you not Low Stress Train it with that wire and cage or am I seeing things?

Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
I understand the reason for topping early but either way you end up with a circular formation which grows all side branches evenly straight up, not to mention each strain stretches differently. I start training as soon as i can tie it to the pot regardless of strain and have never had more than 1.5 inches between nodes on my most spindly sativa by the time it circled completely... Please try and explain how yours is different as I have been doing this technique for a while and don't see any difference in style besides the early topping...


Well-Known Member
If you dont understand how it is different by reading that post, nothing I say will help. I am no longer posting on this forum and dont care to discuss or debate anything with you, or anyone on this forum. Good luck with your grows but I will no longer contribute to these forums.

Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
OK then, didn't mean to push your buttons, happy growing. Just thought the forum was here to help educate people and I know I can never know enough, so anyone else care to tell me how I am doing this differently than most?