Crop Died / Mold

Well thanks for all of the ideas. After an H2Os wash and a night under the fan, my bud does smell a lot better and I think are worth saving in some form.

While I understand how strong spores are, my belief is that we're always smoking and eating spores. You can't be free of them in any crop or bud. The question is then, what levels are acceptable? My gut feeling would be to just watch it and smell it. I wouldn't smoke something that clearly smelled of mold, especially wouldn't smoke something like that regularly. But if the bud doesn't smell like mold after curing and an H2O2 rinse, I'd think that it's about the same as other bud.

I'm going to wash the room down thoroughly with Chlorox, Physan and an anti-mold bomb of some sort. I'm going to clean the carpet in the house as well. I assume the spores are everywhere and I've got a crop of clones ready to go. I don't need this problem again.

I'll probably split the crop up: water cure some, regular cure the others and make hash out of the other buds.

yea H2O2 is a wonderfull thing to have around when growing
I had another thought. Many have mentioned that the spores may linger. You may wonder if they're still around. How can you tell if the spores are gone?

I have an analogy. Last month I had a problem with mice in the kitchen. I put out some traps and caught four right away. But how long do I leave the traps out for? How can I tell when they're gone?

When they leave food around, that's how. If I leave food in the traps and the food remains uneaten for a few weeks, I can be pretty sure that there are no mice.

The same would be true for mold, but in this case the bud is the food. If there are spores on the bud, the mold and its smell will return again. If the smell is gone and doesn't return to the bud, then the mold and its spores must be gone.