crop dusters


Well-Known Member
any one else been seeing the low flyers i hate it every year its the same thing any body ever head of them telling police about grow ops


Well-Known Member
i've never heard of it, but i'm an indoor guy so i dunno. it seems like they'd be a lot busier concentrating on flying than trying to identify different types of plants in a corn field though. unless you have a forest going on... good luck.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of it happening, though the news usually doesn't name the narc.

It really depends on the pilot, whether or not he gets his nuts off from seeing other people get fucked. But if he did he'd probably be a cop, not a pilot.

Unless you're growing fields I wouldn't sweat it. If you are...have him dust it?


Well-Known Member
no forest. just makes me nerves. i kinda thought the same thing bout them having to concentrating on staying in the air