I'm new here and just reading random posts but this one caught my eye because I have a strong opinion on the subject. Yes, I'm aware this is indoors
Just one more opinion thrown in - at the equivalent of "sunrise". The stomata are closed in the dark and just beginning to open. Probably continue to open after being cut and still in the light. Stomata are how plant breathes through the leaves.
If you know your clones well enough and plan everything right, the morning after the moon starts to wane (the full moon to a few days after).
Making the assumption we all know not to mess with our women just before the full moon, give her a couple of days and everything is much better. Similarly, go outside in the spring and look at the buds on trees on a new moon, quarter moon and full moon.
The time of day reasoning of my own is that's how sacrificial plants were usually harvested in the past unless there was some other astrological reason. If you have that sort of knowledge, as in an astrological timing then you know a lot more than I do. The moon and sun are simple in comparison.
There, made myself sound like a hippie pagan nutcase on my fist day.
Nice colas!