crystal meth


Well-Known Member
mmmmm looks soo tasty!!!! NOT!!! i like my teeth as well as sanity!!!
it's a very "inviting" drug, isn't it? i see pics and my first thought is mmmmmmm, that looks really frickin' good. then i stop and think about it.

if it were half the drug that it is it might be good. shits just too hard for me.


New Member
O...m.....g... This is wrong in so many ways. Hallucinary substance? In my day the hallouscenating didn't come til well into sleep deprivation. Not the drug itself. Nasty nasty nasty shit. Those who do It are below thieves and pedos imo a majortiy of them are none of the above until they get deep into meth thus MAKING them thieves and pedos. U shall all burn in hell if I have anything to do with it :)


Well-Known Member
O...m.....g... This is wrong in so many ways. Hallucinary substance? In my day the hallouscenating didn't come til well into sleep deprivation. Not the drug itself. Nasty nasty nasty shit. Those who do It are below thieves and pedos imo a majortiy of them are none of the above until they get deep into meth thus MAKING them thieves and pedos. U shall all burn in hell if I have anything to do with it :)
definitely some hallucinating going on. people in the trees, on the roof, hiding in the bushes.

i know you see them.



Well-Known Member
im glad i never liked meth. who wants to do a drug that doesnt let you get high(on weed) wont make you hungry(i love food) and wont let you sleep(i love sleep)

takes away the three things i love in life..FUCK THAT DRUG!!!!


Well-Known Member
speaking of crystal meth, ...........................

.................... what? :-?
hahaha.. i mean we got a "new post" option at the top, y not a "new thread".. i know is soooo off topic but i knew ude be bak on this 1 real quick and i didnt wanna PM ya


Well-Known Member
hahaha.. i mean we got a "new post" option at the top, y not a "new thread".. i know is soooo off topic but i knew ude be bak on this 1 real quick and i didnt wanna PM ya have to look at a particular forum...there is a new thread option top left..


Well-Known Member
shit fdd thats some clear glass, did you grow that on a meth plant? ive been trying to get some meth seeds, but cant find them. do toy think if i burried a meth dealer a meth plant would grow?

i pray evryone knows im joking aroung.... if you didnt, smoke some more meth


Well-Known Member
hey fdd.. what bout gettin a "new thread" option on here... pull sum strings man!!!
seriously though, how about a page for posts about prescriptions and street drugs, because we cant keep going to hallucinatory substances to talk about tramidol benzos heroin exct exct

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
The quality of meth these days is so bad it's not worth doing. Now 15 years ago when I was on the meth train that shit would rock your world and then some. They just can't get the good chemicals to make it with anymore like they used to.

I still have my teeth and the holes in my brain are at a minimum. :)


Active Member
Oh horray!!! Lets mix over the counter drugs and household cleaners, boil it, and smoke that shit!!! Sounds fun!!! If you like meth... check out the pooh bombing thread!!! Im sure you'll be into that too!!! Stop flushing your shit guys!!!!! It can get you high!!!!! So that makes it cool to do then, right....?


Well-Known Member
Oh horray!!! Lets mix over the counter drugs and household cleaners, boil it, and smoke that shit!!! Sounds fun!!! If you like meth... check out the pooh bombing thread!!! Im sure you'll be into that too!!! Stop flushing your shit guys!!!!! It can get you high!!!!! So that makes it cool to do then, right....?
you talkin about jenkim? i would barf in that balloon before i inhaled the vapors


Well-Known Member
I've never tried meth. Can't say I want to. I'll stick to my herbs.:weed:

Has anybody seen the movie "spun"? It's all about meth heads!



Well-Known Member
just one more rail........gackkkk. why is there police cars 100 deep in my driveway blaring ac/dc? why are the children in the trees? why is my best friend lookin at me like that? i swear that son of a bitch is turnin on me, and is either gonna try to kill me before i kill him ,or rob me blind, or call the cops on me. i must do something extreme. enough of this shit im goin to hang with the young dudes and take 50 high blood pressure cold pills for a buzz. or drink a bottle of coughsyrup for that all natural buzz.