Cure day has arrived.


Active Member
Well , after 14 weeks , months of darkness ( IN BEDROOM) and $725.00 later I was able to dry and begin the cure process.
I grew 7 plants and ended up with 191 grams or about 6 oz. Since this was my first grow I didnt know about topping them and or ways to increase
yield. Most of the experts say if you can get a gram a watt them you are doing amazing.... I am close to the .5 gram a watt area and think that if I step it up
AND get a 600 watter next grow , incorp some kind of tie dow, top, pop, technique I can get upwards of 10 OZ... hopefully.
But I will growing in the same tent and really think I can do more with 5 plants instead of 7. 7 was too many for my tent size which prevented light getting down low
( 600 may cure that ) and giving the lower buds light to dense up.
All in alll I am VERY happy with my 1st go and with my jars , my lovely lovely jars in the closet , waiting patiently for their time in the "Sun"

JAH :leaf:View attachment 2578215View attachment 2578216001.jpg

Long ago 001.jpg

I cant wait until I start my next go around , prolly in Sept ish... Until then thanks to everyone who helped me with advice and even the knuckles who hate.

