Curing and affects it has on potency


Well-Known Member
So puffing on what I just finished up not to long ago and in my mind its a pretty nice weed. My question is with curing will the potency go up or does the smoke only get smoother? Little over two weeks in with my curing process simple open and close once or twice daily leaving open for a few minutes. Branches were dried over a 10 day period at 60-65 percent humidity with temps 65 to 70 degrees. Colas have a lemon, pineapple smell and taste at the moment with not a hit of hay or grass. So far haven't had any moisture show up on the inside of the jars so thinking its pretty dry already but not taking any chances with it. I still have branches that need to be trimmed and jarred and have been burping the container it is in as well. :weed:
