curing problem help!!!


Ok so i had my bud all cured and its been in jars for a couple months and all was well i checked on them 1now time a week and all was well. Now i checked on them last night and there was a terrible smell that came from the jars. It smelled like straight up nasty old beer. There is no signs of mold so no clue what is going on please help.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like they might be going bad, take it out and thoroughly check it for mold. Mold will kind of smell like ammonia.


Well-Known Member
A Boveda pack in jars would probably have prevented it. I put mine in the jars when the buds first go in, and it stays there until the jar is empty.
For now, spread them out, look inside some buds, let the air get to them real good.
Hope all turns well


Well-Known Member
If it smells like beer maybe some kind of yeast spores got in there when you were opening it regularly. Do you have a humidity meter in the jars? BTW, look how I got these two meters set just right, after a bunch of messing around. They were both way off at first. With no setting screw I had to crack em open and turn the thing with the coil and needle on it manually. The cup has some "kosher salt" with some pure water added. This pic is after sitting overnight to stabilize.
