Curing question..


Active Member
So i just harvested my first actual attempt at a small grow. 3 Plants, roughly 6.5 oz's dryish.

So I cut the nugs and colas off branches after being dried on racks for about 5 days with good ventilation on them. Outsides were fairly crisp with some moisture in the buds and bendable stems.

I seperated into 3 large mason jars and places in a hutch in my basement. My question is how long should each jar be opened for on a dailey basis and if so how many times dailey for optimal curing time.

thanks alot!



Well-Known Member
I like to pour them out, then put back... that way you're sure that they all got air and it cuts down on mold risk....


Well-Known Member
i would, you wanna make sure they are properly dried before going into the jars because if theres still a good amount of moisture then there will be mold and before you know it the whole jar is worthless