curious to what you organic guys think of my go at it...


Well-Known Member
soil and soil additives:

fox farm ocean forest soil
fox farm light warrior
fox farm peace of mind tomato and veg
fox farm peace of mind fruit n flower
black earthworm castings
mexican bat guano
jamacain bat guano


bio-bizz fishmix
humboldt natural bloom
humboldt deuce deuce
bio-genesis synergy
bio-genesis mineral matrix
banana manna
liquid carbo load


i start in 4 inch containers with a rooted clone in rapid rooter, using only he ocean forest for the 4 inch pot.. water with a tad of superthrive

2 weeks later i transplant into a 2 gallon container with a 70/30 OF/LW mix with 1/2 cup of the tomato veg peace of mind mixed in, watering with distilled and superthrive

2 weeks or so after that transplant i step it up to a 5 gallon container with the same foxfarm ratio with extra worm castings and a 1/2 cup of foxfarm peace of mind fruit and flower mixed in..

i start watering with the bio-genesis synergy and bio-bizz fishmix 2 weeks into the 5 gal transplant and slowly merge over to the bloom and cut out the fishmix at week 3 of bloom but keep the synergy..

thats as much as i can type right now... im kinda confusing myself remembering all those steps, im sure ive missed a few key details...

let me know what you guys think... here are the ladies now.. theyre 11 days into flowering



Well-Known Member
Hey I think your on the rite track the girls look awesome, just really important know what your nutrients are doing and make sure you know why you are using them dont just use them to use them and I think the grow will speak for itself.


Well-Known Member
after 3rd week flower i cut out fishmix and mineral matrix unless i see a deficiency..

i keep it bloom, deuce deuce, carboload, banana manna and synergy


Well-Known Member
i have more patience than buddha, im just askin what yall sink of what im using, and my methods.. im doing a 9 week flower and a 1 week flush so 10 week total.... i think i got patience..


Well-Known Member
I agree with other posters. Sounds like you can do away with a lot of your stuff. Seems really expensive.


Well-Known Member
maybe next grow i should do a comparison, my product mix and experiance vs what people on this board tell me to use... hmmmm..

and its not all that expensive, unless yall are flat broke ;/


Well-Known Member
2nd day on 3rd week of bloom... just got a feeding bout an hour ago

looks like all my too much stuff is doin them perfectly fine

and the leaf curling is what they do when they get fed.. its weird.. only seen it in this strain

