Curling leaves

ganja master

Active Member
ok so i posted i thread about this but i got no replies and now its much worse the leaves are dying and falling off and they are curling upwards and turning yellow if anmyone has an idea how to fix this please le me know! i will try and post some pics later


Well-Known Member
Need more detail about what you have going on..

Lights, temps, how old is the plant.. Are you using nutes, what strength are they..
How much are you watering/not watering.. You start from a clone or seed?

Need to give more details, so others can see exactly what you are doing, and how you are growing..
Then people will know what you are doing right/wrong..
Then you will get more replys..

Right now it could be atleast 10 things happening..
We cant give any real advice until we know more details..

Pics will also help..


Well-Known Member
Need more detail about what you have going on..

Lights, temps, how old is the plant.. Are you using nutes, what strength are they..
How much are you watering/not watering.. You start from a clone or seed?

Need to give more details, so others can see exactly what you are doing, and how you are growing..
Then people will know what you are doing right/wrong..
Then you will get more replys..

Right now it could be atleast 10 things happening..
We cant give any real advice until we know more details..

Pics will also help..
Just lettin ya know im ripping off your mellow kitty pic for my wife,she loves it.:mrgreen:

ganja master

Active Member
ok my lights are 2 18in flouro tubes and 2 23w CFL's not sure about temps i still need to get a thermometer i water every 3 days sometimes 4 my nutes are 13-4-5 and the plants are about a month old and its the older leaves that have been dying and its been working its way up the plant also i started from seed