Curse Of The White Lighter


Well-Known Member
Since i believe in this myth (and strangly no others) i wanted to give you two examples of shit going down when a white lighter was present.

numero uno. I am probibly the safest person with my weed which includes learning your way around the law. but my brother is an idiot that also likes to buy white lighters. We get pulled over for having our headlights off while pulling out of a lit gas station lol. Anyways i was chilling while my brother went through the ticket process meanwhile theres about an 8th in the dash. so the cop leaves to his car to finish what ever those evil people do back there. and my brother starts flipping out and telling my to open the glovebox (locked so its safe) and hide it somewhere. i refuse reassuring him hes an idiot. Im sitting ever so calmly while my brother keeps repeating himself when a second cop walks up to my window and says "we heard, give it to us." FUCKED.

numero dues. Watching ESPN like a real man, when breaking news "McNabb has been switched to the redskins". The greatest news i have ever heard. So i roll a fat ass blunt for celebration. I reach to dry the blunt with a white lighter and within 10 seconds i realize im holding satans dick in my hand. So i throw it down and open my night stand to look for a lighter, put the blunts and knife and grinder and everything back. and as i open the door. I SWEAR TO GOD. One of my pieces flies out from the nightstand and lands like 3 feet away broken. Me and my friend just sit there lookin at it like this is some serious myth shit lol...

numero tre. well in conclusion to that night im sure i cursed my beloved Redskins as well.

and i can garantee all of you have a story and i wanna hear them


Well-Known Member
The redskins still aint shit.Watch were gonna whoop there ass with Kolb and Vick lol.And I never had anything bad happen from a white lighter.


Well-Known Member
whie lighter myth is BS

numero uno) if you go through life thinking something is taboo you will find all sorts of reasons why the taboo has cursed you. say you wear mathing sovks every day, one day you say to yourself "i only have this sock and that one, but ill have bad luck though...." chances are greater than slimmer you will realize something bad happened to you that day, but thats not to say it has anything to do with your socks(or lighter or broken mirror or black cat)

numero dose) all lighters are white deep down and if you really want to get into it, color is just an illusion, it dosnt even exist. color is how much light something reflects into out eyes

numero tres) white lighters had NOTHING to do with the death of jimi hendrix janise joplin and jim morison. they were 25 famous and loaded, oh and it was 1970! they all had drug problems, its sheer coincedence that their lighters were white


Well-Known Member
i dont even allow white lighters around me and within 10 minutes of them being around me something REALLY bad happens. not like ohh shit its raining on me... more like oh shit there 1000 dollars in government costs, and theres my bowl....


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I use white lighters frequently. Some lighter thiefs won't even touch them! It's great.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
oh, and unless you're 27 and left handed stop trying to get in with the curse :P you ent that much of a high profile figure :P

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
i dunno if this counts but the day before i got arrested... i had a white lighter... also my bud told me he was tokin up in the forest with his friend... and with a whitie of course and he then they got chased by a coyote all the way to a fence and had to hop it to get away form it. theres obviously something wrong here...?


Well-Known Member
i have never used a white lighter in my life..

not for any reason at all, i just always went for a color one

so for your white lighter safe...hehe

but i could be fucked also cuz of the point ledgrowing made..

oh well..white lighter or not, shit happens where ever you go..:peace:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i dunno if this counts but the day before i got arrested... i had a white lighter... also my bud told me he was tokin up in the forest with his friend... and with a whitie of course and he then they got chased by a coyote all the way to a fence and had to hop it to get away form it. theres obviously something wrong here...?
they were in the FOREST and got chased by a wild animal. crazzzzzzzy, didn't think that actually happened in real life :O

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
they were in the FOREST and got chased by a wild animal. crazzzzzzzy, didn't think that actually happened in real life :O
I've been in the woods plenty of times and never got chased by coyotes. I also never carry white lighters. The facts are pretty irrefutable.:eyesmoke::lol:


Well-Known Member
I've been in the woods plenty of times and never got chased by coyotes. I also never carry white lighters. The facts are pretty irrefutable.:eyesmoke::lol:

True stoner knowledge right there lolbongsmilie . i was smoking and dropped my jaw when i read that. I just threw a whit elighter away today and i was afraid to touch it and then i thought maybe throwing it away wasnt proper disposal. thinkin more along the lines of sinking it to the bottom of a spooky lake or something

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I think it goes by your area/friends. With my group of friends the red lighter is bad luck, i used to only buy red lighters to ensure no one would pocket mine, after a while though i got way to caught up in the bad luck thoughts so since ive stopped buying red lighters.

From personal experience if you feel and truly believe something is bad luck then by damn it has to be bad luck....

Im also a huge believer in newtons law of attraction so im sure this plays a big role....


Well-Known Member
i dunno if this counts but the day before i got arrested... i had a white lighter... also my bud told me he was tokin up in the forest with his friend... and with a whitie of course and he then they got chased by a coyote all the way to a fence and had to hop it to get away form it. theres obviously something wrong here...?
lol am I the only one that thinks this is crazy?I would shit myself if a coyote chased me.