Cut Roots


Active Member
I have several plants that are in a hydro reservior and their roots are tangled. Its impossible to get them apart.....will the plant die if I cut a small part of the roots?


Well-Known Member
depends how much.

Plant should be able to survive small amounts of root damage depending where on the root ball etc, But it's never going to do the plant any good.

My roots get damaged some when I stick fingers in soil to check moisture etc and they seem alright.


Well-Known Member
I would quit cutting when I got to the point of not being able to figger out which roots are who's. Then you just get yourself some of that fancy peroxide and that bubble out all them old dead roots. Might have to change your rez a few extry times just to get rid of the crud.

Big Wheel


Well-Known Member
Cutting roots are not a problem. It is called root pruning, and it often done even in the case of keep bonsai mom plants. They will experience shock for a day or so, and then regrow.


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing in my bubble buckets, I had three 2 where males one female, I pulled all of them apart and what I could not pull I cut, my female looked fine afterwards and that was like 15-25 days ago and all is well in flower now. good luck
hey i was just wondering if any one has done this. i was rejuvanating my marijuana plant after i harvested her and flush her but any ways i got some kind of mold on it so i just sayed fuck it and i pulled her out and took of some roots but there was still enough on there so i put it back in new soil and gave her veg nutes and 24 hour lighting do you think she will live?