
Well-Known Member
Not sure what I’m looking at,the pods are empty and it was root bound in a10 gal so I transplanted in the ground 2 weeks ago27825FEB-43BE-42D8-80DA-693490416C90.jpeg3EC43E64-B0F2-465E-937A-016D73C3F8C0.jpegE7A0B13F-765F-493A-ABA8-6C2B21873682.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Not an auto it’s photo, Davis?you mean it’s a male? And looked like this before the transplant
it looks like it stressed out and is trying to reveg. The "pods" you are looking at are just really swollen preflower calyx. Just let it go and it might recover but keep and eye out for male pollen sacks because of the stress its going through.


Well-Known Member
Calssic Sativa traits. You are going to be in for a very, very long flowering stage. Just ride it out. If you see male traits show, it hermed on you.

Do. Not. Cut!!!