Cutting Fan Leafs Help Please


Active Member
I have a ten plant aeroponics with skunk#1 and they are 6 weeks old. I am using advanced nutrients with a 400watt hps. They are growing crazy so i cut almost all the fan leafs besides the top ones. The inner growth is amazing cause i gave it more light by cutting the fan leafs. The plants look extremely healthy and are growing very nice. Should i be cutting the fan leafs or should i just keep them on? Here are the pictures they where taken 11-16 evening. The tallest plant is 21 inchs



Well-Known Member
Fan leaves are a good thing, or else they wouldn't be there, the more solar panels you have the better growth you're going to get, I wouldn't go cutting anymore in the future.

Nice healthy looking plants though, I'm interested to see what becomes of them, please keep us posted...


New Member
did it my first grow too. youll still get a pretty decent yield but you prob just cut it by1/4 @ least. if i didnt do it my first grow i wouldent have had room for the plants (@ the time i didnt know how much bigger they would get during flowering)


Active Member
I thought about cutting away some fan leaves also. I heard from somewhere that it was a good idea since it lets more light penetrate. But I guess I wont do it!


New Member
What about when people lollipop them? Don't they cut all of the bottom 1/3rd of the plant away?

sog? yes because that is the most unproductive portion of the plant. light just dosent get there much.
and thats why i thinned out my plants