***Cuttings from auto strains***


Active Member
Is it possible to get cuttings from auto's.? I've heard several comments from others saying you can, and others saying you can't... Is it worth it if it really a works or will I be just wasting my time?:leaf:


Active Member
Is it possible to get cuttings from auto's.? I've heard several comments from others saying you can, and others saying you can't... Is it worth it if it really a works or will I be just wasting my time?:leaf:
you can....but why? the problem is unlike a photoperiod plant, the auto flowering plant will keep going into its life cycle regardless of light schedule.....If i take a cutting from a photoperiod plant at 2 months into veg....and keep it under veg....it will grow...then i can flower it... If you take one from an auto plant at 1 month old, it doesn't matter what light you put it under...it's still 1 month old and will want to start flowering while it's still 4 - 6 inches long (or however big your cutting was)....

..so honestly...not worth it at all...too much work and bs for a result that is less than favorable.