

Active Member
my cuttings r 3weeks old on sat and they r on 24hrs light. i will be putting them onto flower in about 2 to 3 weeks. what i want to know is do i put them on 18hrs before they go to flower and if so for how long also my first grow i didnt top them so when do i need to top these. ps im growing big buddha blue cheese.pps my first grow is due off in 2weeks and 1 day but all the buds r still really white. so is it 8 weeks from them going on 12hrs or from when they show there female as they were from seeds thanks


Well-Known Member
You can go straight to 12/12. The sooner you top the better. If your going to flower that soon, the sooner they get topped and the more time those growths have to shoot up, the better.


Active Member
should i leave them to veg longer its just that the ones ive got flowering now r still growing and can i plant the tops
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Well-Known Member
It is up to you about your veging time. There is no cut and dry wrong or right answer on that one, it is all grower preference/needs. When you top your plant you don't cut off enough to plant...