cylee's First CFL Afghan Kush from Seed!

Dr High

Well-Known Member
This Afghan is looking good man, you will want more light either more cfls (42-120Watters) or Hps for flower, those cfls wont cut it for flower. Plant looks dark and healthy. Nice node spacing, doing real good for a first time! Keep on Growing


Well-Known Member
Been followin this for a minute.. Too bad I wont be able to see ur pics till tomorrow..

I'm also doing a 12/12 from seed grow, with 136 watts of CFL light..

Good luck on this grow, yo.. Nice to hear its a girl..


Well-Known Member

Long time no update (sorry). I was really busy constructing my GROW TENT. Yes, what an upgrade and a sigh of happiness. My plants are now thriving under the HPS light and flowering away (at least starting to :)). Some specs of the tent:

Dimensions: 3'Wx2'Dx5'H
Ventilation: 2 4" 80cfm fans, one for exhaust, one for intake
Temperature control: air cooled, no cooltube, but a fan inside to circulate air
Lights: 250w HPS hanging 5" from plants
Reflective material: 6mm black&white poly was used to line the inside

Yes, I have switched to HPS. This will be mostly for flower because I'm planning to veg plants and flower at the same time using two grow spaces: my old grow box for vegging, and my new tent for flowering. I purchased a 250w HPS/MH convertible on ebay:

which I honestly think was a mistake since I will not be using both lights at the same time. CFL's all the way for vegging, and HPS for flowering is my goal.

The bigger plant in the flowering tent is the Afghan. REALLY bushy. the smaller plant is the bagseed I got from my ounce of mids. I felt like I could make better weed using these seeds. It's growing really well so far, and i hope it stays that way.

I took two clones off my Afghan plant since it was so beautiful and so resistant to various stress factors. Must be good genetics right? (or just my skills :) jk). I found little roots poking out of my rapid root plugs this morning.

The solo cup beside the clones is another Afghan seed I planted 2 days ago. It just sprouted and I'm hoping it'll be an awesome plant like its sister!

Any questions, comments, please hit me up!
How am I doing for my very first grow? :)

Question: Can or should I top my smaller plant in the flowering room? This plant was under 12/12 hps from seed, and it's mostly for experimental purposes.




Dr High

Well-Known Member
Nice Bushy girl, is the schedule now on 12/12? Doing Real good for the first grow. Keep Growing!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
wow it looks like we were both doing the same thing at the same time lol. I built a grow box similar to yours was already painted white though. Mine is really small I am using it as just a place to keep some clones and seedlings growing with y splitters and 23 watt CFLs. Heat has been an issue and I imagine you were having the same troubles as me cuz your building the tent and all that's the next logical step for me I just don't got any money for that right now. So did you have issues controlling the heat what did you try what worked for you? Did you buy a tent or build one and what material and how much did you spend cuz my box really sucks. I can only run like 2-3 CFLs at a time :/

For me I wouldn't top a plant that was 12/12 from seed because it needs all the growing it can get. Also it takes some time for it too start growing and it's time you don't have.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
wow it looks like we were both doing the same thing at the same time lol. I built a grow box similar to yours was already painted white though. Mine is really small I am using it as just a place to keep some clones and seedlings growing with y splitters and 23 watt CFLs. Heat has been an issue and I imagine you were having the same troubles as me cuz your building the tent and all that's the next logical step for me I just don't got any money for that right now. So did you have issues controlling the heat what did you try what worked for you? Did you buy a tent or build one and what material and how much did you spend cuz my box really sucks. I can only run like 2-3 CFLs at a time :/

For me I wouldn't top a plant that was 12/12 from seed because it needs all the growing it can get. Also it takes some time for it too start growing and it's time you don't have.

Well said, Less time Healing and more time Budding!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
wow it looks like we were both doing the same thing at the same time lol. I built a grow box similar to yours was already painted white though. Mine is really small I am using it as just a place to keep some clones and seedlings growing with y splitters and 23 watt CFLs. Heat has been an issue and I imagine you were having the same troubles as me cuz your building the tent and all that's the next logical step for me I just don't got any money for that right now. So did you have issues controlling the heat what did you try what worked for you? Did you buy a tent or build one and what material and how much did you spend cuz my box really sucks. I can only run like 2-3 CFLs at a time :/

For me I wouldn't top a plant that was 12/12 from seed because it needs all the growing it can get. Also it takes some time for it too start growing and it's time you don't have.
Haha that's awesome!
I pondered upon growing for a REALLY REALLY long time and I finally decided to start.. By then I learned so much that I felt like I could do an excellent grow even if it was for the first time! Anyways I'll try and answer some of your questions:

1. My grow box was 1.5'Wx1.5'Dx2.5'H
2. Yes I had heat issues so I used ONE 8cm computer fan (12v) for intake and i just had a hole near the top of the box. Yes, no exhaust fan.. Temps were stable at around 80 and I guess that is not so bad. I planted my clones yesterday since the roots were poking out enough, and they're in that old box doing just fine :)
3. I have 6 23W CFL's in there right now, and I have no temperature problems. One important thing is that it just turned to spring here, and so things may become hotter. We'll see.

- = $24
-6mm Black and White poly = $~30
- = $160
-2 4" 80cfm fans = $50
So, I guess the total comes to around $270? I simply went ahead and did this considering that I would get my money back by selling like 10g's to a couple of friends who like weed and stuff, and I get to keep the equipment for LIFE! :)

Hope I helped!



Well-Known Member
Nice Bushy girl, is the schedule now on 12/12? Doing Real good for the first grow. Keep Growing!
Thanks a lot! I'm learning so much as I go and I'm learning to know when my girl wants what, which I think is quite important. I'm looking for help as I get to blooming and ripening because I don't know much about it!


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Awesome I have never seen those rubbermaid closets. If I were looking to build a veg box i would definately go that route but since I already have my veg box I think I'll wait. I plan on getting a bigger one for flowering and keeping my current closet with the 400watt MH for veg. I wouldn't have as much problems if the two rooms were seperate since they are both in the spare room, I have to totally close it so I don't leak light into the closet but I don't really have any good places for it. I do like the idea though and maybe after I finish a few crops I will build one like that. I need to sell a little bud to some close friends myself so i can get my bulbs and tent and maybe new lights.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

A little photo update for you. Things are looking GREAT! plants are budding up big time, especially the 12/12 from seed.

The 12/12 from seed is the plant on the left, and it looks rather overwatered. I dried the entire pot for 2 days straight and still it's like that. pH and everything is fine. I'm guessing it's just the genetics. It was a bagseed anyways.

The main Afghan kush also looks overwatered but it's because I just watered it and I put a little regiment of phosphorus in (FoxFarm Cha-Ching at 1/4 strength, getting it ready for full strength next week)

Clones are doing well. The worse clone in my opinion seemed like it came over the top and became better than the other clone haha.. The other clone still looks a bit scrawny but I'm hoping it will recover. It seems to me that the better clone is done re-vegging.

Finally, the party cup is an Afghan kush I plan to grow in the cup till the end to see how much it will yield.

Anyways, plz post any questions or comments!




Well-Known Member
Hi guys!

My plant is growing so well I can't stop looking at it! :eyesmoke:

Some more pics for you guys.

I also purchased a Febreze True Air carbon filter system which cost me $13.95. It's working REALLY WELL and I can't smell anything now :) It's the white thing in front of my exhaust duct

I cut out some necrotic leaves in that HUGE MOTHERF***ING bush. They were not receiving any light, and were dying as a result. I want the plants to focus on flowering, not fixing these damn dying leaves lol

The little curl on one of the top colas is a mystery to me SO I'm going to ask you guys about that one.

Other than that, everything seems to be going really well! The bagseed especially.. Wow it grows so fast!

Please feel free to comment or ask questions!


