
Also, if you're experiencing anxiety on said chemicals, it's trying to show you something. There's a reason you're getting anxiety, and you have to find the source.

Ignoring your anxiety is just keeping it festering under the surface, you gotta face whatever it is that's bothering you, or it's gonna end up coming up anyway.

Then, you keep moving! :mrgreen:
Well. A about to do 25 mg of 5 bromo dmt. Snorted. I'll post my exp if and when I can. Wish me luck.
Sorry about late reply. Was having trouble with shroom order. Took 25 mg 5 bromo dmt. Via snorting. The dose didn't hit ammeditly. It took about 15 mins. The first thing.i noticed was a full body shiver with a minor contraction of my neck and uper back muscles. Only lasted a few moments. The psydellic part was some what overwhelming. I was explosevive eject from my body and into a world.that didn't exist. I was quote in quote communicating with everything. Fractals were heavy and distorted everything. Everything blend into one being. Not a spiritual drug. Still seeing Coranas around lights and suffering from insomnia. Taking 5 mg Xanax and 10 mg valium. Hope for sleep