Da Faq happened?


Well-Known Member
there once was a group of monks and they were excellent gardeners.
somehow, they found out that human blood makes really good fertilizer.
so the monks started killing people and fertilizing the plants with their blood.
this made the people angry, so they formed a mob and demanded that the monks leave.
except for Hugh, who was out fishing.
and the monks said, "is Hugh with you?"
and the townspeople said, "no."
so the monks just stayed there, and the townspeople stayed home, defeated.
but the monks kept killing people.
so the people formed another mob and demanded that the monks leave.
except Hugh, who was visiting his mother in a different town.
and the monks said, "is Hugh with you?" "no."
so the monks just stayed there , and the townspeople went home, defeated.
but the monks kept killing people.
so the people formed another mob and demanded that the monks leave.
this time, they brought Hugh.
and the monks said, "is Hugh with you?"
and the townspeople said "yes!"
so the monks packed up and left, and they never came back.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
So one day little Johnny is walking down the street and there's an old man sitting across the street on his porch. Little Johnny is walking along with his duck tape and the old man says "what have you got there little Johnny?"
Johnny says "I've got some duck tape"
"well what are you going to do it?"
"I'm going to catch me some ducks the old man laughs until his side hurts sure enough a few hours later here comes little Johnny walking up the road his string of ducks on his duck tape.

The next day the old man sees Johnny coming up the road and this time he has with him a length of chicken wire. The old man says "Johnny what are you going to do with that chicken wire?"
"I'm going to catch me some chickens."
Old man chuckles at this but sure enough the boy returns a few hours later dragging along the chickens entangled in the chicken wire.

The next day the old man sees little Johnny again, "what you got there this time? "
"I've got me some pussywillow" boy says.
"Let me get my jacket" old man replies.


Well-Known Member
Big-Daddy-Durden will do nicely. Kind of rolls off the tongue, no?
That title requires a minimum of either 8" or 6'. Also, an extreme level of anarchy.

Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9...
I... i... i... uuuh... you can do better than that. Fuck brother, use google. Or if you want good stuff, use imgur.

EDIT: shit, shit, I think I'm finally drunk enough to go to sleep. Good night.