Dabbing Disaster


Well-Known Member
Fox Boston special tonight at 10pm.

Idiots. People who pull shit like this will ruin it for the rest of us.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Yea and Bengazi, and Obamacare...and you are a stupid poopy head.

Sorry I saw Fox news and thought I was in the politics section again, please forgive my ranting


Well-Known Member
that's just hannity and a that one show with 4 people. They're idiots of course CNN is worse. More retractions than fox news.


Well-Known Member

That part of the colbert report had me laughing my ass off! But back on topic i just saw a fucking article on yahoo frontpage yesterday that was saying hash oil is the new meth labs of the 90s, like goddamn how many cocks did that person have to suck to get that shit passed off as even a tiny bit true, and somewhere so many dumbfucks have access to that will believe any propaganda they see. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Soooooo American HAHAHA.

What the you dropped the bloody dabber and got shards of it in your sandy pussy? Burnt your house down heating up the nail? Poked your eye out with the poker? What the fuck else like?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Climbed a telephone pole ripped off all his clothes took a fat dab fell off and landed on an old lady head first?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Soooooo American HAHAHA.

What the you dropped the bloody dabber and got shards of it in your sandy pussy? Burnt your house down heating up the nail? Poked your eye out with the poker? What the fuck else like?
That would make a funny commercial.
The ones where people can't perform the simplest of tasks.


bud bootlegger
idk, i'm sure i'll get shit for this post, but i honestly dgaf... i tend to agree that dabbing isn't the best image to go forward with for the mmj community, of course, imvho..
but sitting there watching a guy using some huge ass torch to heat up his nail, so he can smoke his / her medicine" off of, just smacks me in the face with irony.. nothing about it comes off as medical, and yes, it very much does look like people are smoking meth... and this is coming from a pothead of 20 plus years who knows the truth, i can only begin to imagine how it must look to those who are a, against cannabis, and b, ill informed..
idk, i just don't think it's the image mmj patients should be trying to portray of themselves if they want to further legalization is all... flame suit on and buttoned up, i'm ready..


Well-Known Member
I tend to hide my torch and rig unlike a bowl bong or papers which are always in sight.

So yes it is too much like a quag IMO and to those who are not aware of what it is they will assume your smoking meth or some hard drug.