Dallas/Fort Worth Tornadoes

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
dsb and whiskey bad ideal
hell no we dont need another texas tornado
Oh, OH, well we don't need that. When hurricane Andrew blew thru south Florida my mother-in-law hid in the bathroom in the center of the condo with her Canadian Club, flash light, and weather radio. She woke up the next morning the bottle was empty and the sun was shining. lol. She slept thru ANDREW and years later Charlie.


New Member
Oh, OH, well we don't need that. When hurricane Andrew blew thru south Florida my mother-in-law hid in the bathroom in the center of the condo with her Canadian Club, flash light, and weather radio. She woke up the next morning the bottle was empty and the sun was shining. lol. She slept thru ANDREW and years later Charlie.
bet when she woke the storm in her head was raging
damn momma could drink me under the table

Kush Roller

Man, the tornados formed all around me and i didn't get shit but rain and thunder.... Really wrecked alot of the area though.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
bet when she woke the storm in her head was raging
damn momma could drink me under the table
She doesn't touch the stuff until it is after high noon. Except when the grandkids are over then it get earlier and earlier everyday. lol. 86 and going strong.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Man, the tornados formed all around me and i didn't get shit but rain and thunder.... Really wrecked alot of the area though.
I understand that in Texas they don't have many underground shelters. I can't imagine not having a place to hide. I have to admit everything is bigger in Texas including the twisters.


New Member
She doesn't touch the stuff until it is after high noon. Except when the grandkids are over then it get earlier and earlier everyday. lol. 86 and going strong.

sounds like a fighter
wow 86
and yep kids will make u drink
i have to drink just to talk to the kids here


Well-Known Member
the other day while working, a pastor of a local church told me that tornadoes are the finger of Satan, and that they show up purely to test the loyalty of the lord.

I couldn't help but laugh in his face.


Active Member
i'm tellin you guys you dont want to be high when a tornado is bearing down on you.

a mile and a half wide swirling vortex of death with 280mph winds is NOT something you want to see barreling towards you after several bowls of kush! your heart will be going nuts. its a buzzkill, to say the very very least....especially right after it passes....and everything around you as far as the eye can see is completely destroyed. i guess i was still high at that point but...after 3 mins of makin sure the fam was ok...i just automatically started helping people. again, not something to be high for.

this was a mere 2 blocks from my house: