Damn Ants


Active Member
i have ants in my garden but i am not sure what to use, probably some sort of spray but what kind is good? and also is there those aphids because my leaves are turning yellow near the bottom but i havnt noticed any there. If there is a different way to get rid of them other than pesticides that would be better as i dont want to use a lot of chemicals. sorry i cant get a picture.


Well-Known Member
spinosad even works on fire ants..

Look into into it

You can also look into MONTERAY GARDEN INSECT SPRAY. It has the same ingredient SPINOSAD.



Active Member
I think I read something about aphids and ants,the aphids deposit whats called honeydew I guess thats what they call there shit,and it attracts the ants,so you may have to get rid of the aphids and the ants will go away good luck


Well-Known Member
i have ants in my garden but i am not sure what to use, probably some sort of spray but what kind is good? and also is there those aphids because my leaves are turning yellow near the bottom but i havnt noticed any there. If there is a different way to get rid of them other than pesticides that would be better as i dont want to use a lot of chemicals. sorry i cant get a picture.
coconut oil.............


Well-Known Member
buy some ant baits and place them around your garden, the ants will take the poison back to the queen and tadaaaaaaaaaaaa no more ants.