Damn Mites


Well-Known Member
I looked on my garden today and noticed about 8 of those little bastards. How come it seems that this neem shit isnt really working?


Active Member
i use some shit called pyola. Got it from this guy at local plant store geared towards marajuana. Spray it every 3 days or so and it works great.


New Member
The problem with Spider Mites is ... they are damned hard to get rid of. If left to their own, they will ruin an entire crop in no time. If you want to get rid of them for good, buy a product called AVID. Its expensive, but some grow shops sell it by the 1/4 ounce. Five (5) drops in a quart of water, placed in a spray bottle will do the trick. Spray under the leaves, on top of the leaves and spray the inside of your cabinet. If you have a seperate clone area, check there too. Always check any gifted cuttings before you bring them into the house. You may need several applications of AVID before the mite problem is over. They get into the nooks and cranies of your grow cabinet. All eggs have to be killed. Also, after your normal yardwork, change your clothes and shower before tending your "indoor" plants.


Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
The problem with Spider Mites is ... they are damned hard to get rid of. If left to their own, they will ruin an entire crop in no time. If you want to get rid of them for good, buy a product called AVID. Its expensive, but some grow shops sell it by the 1/4 ounce. Five (5) drops in a quart of water, placed in a spray bottle will do the trick. Spray under the leaves, on top of the leaves and spray the inside of your cabinet. If you have a seperate clone area, check there too. Always check any gifted cuttings before you bring them into the house. You may need several applications of AVID before the mite problem is over. They get into the nooks and cranies of your grow cabinet. All eggs have to be killed. Also, after your normal yardwork, change your clothes and shower before tending your "indoor" plants.

I have heard very good things about avid. If I remember right its something like $500-800 a gallon. I hear its about the best you can buy.


Well-Known Member
I have heard very good things about avid. If I remember right its something like $500-800 a gallon. I hear its about the best you can buy.
Jesus christ.. I would never pay that much for a gallon of anything. There has to be effective alternatives. I mean I could see you spending that if you were planning on growing a couple hundred plants, but not for 6. Im just wondering why the neem isnt working for me. Go figure, just my luck.


Well-Known Member
but I've seen your pics widow, I guess YOU could go for that because from what I see you do a beautiful job.. And you also get top dollar for your smoke.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Ellis, are you sure that they are spider mites? Tell us what you've seen with magnification. How did you identify them?

Whatever the pest, Neem Oil is a natural horticultural oil that may work, but it takes a regular spraying program. The oil has to touch the pest to kill it, and it may not kill the eggs. So soon after spraying, when more eggs hatch, the pests need to be sprayed again.

Don't Bug Me and other natural pesticides made with pyrethrins, are the next step. The natural pesticide is toxic, but breaks down very quickly.

Avid and other miticides are a much more powerful pesticide, that also is an ovacide (kills the eggs). Some shops sell a small eye-dropper bottle for 25 bucks or so. Like was said, only a few drops is all you need. This shit is way toxic, and you need to wear protective gear when spraying.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well the bugs are very tiny, and to the naked eye they look tan. (under the hps anyways) then when that light is off they look kind of red maybe. But I find them crawling on the top of my buckets and shit.. I've looked under the leaves but havent noticed any there yet. Im just using my eye no magnifying glass. But my plants' leaves are turning like a rust spreading, then it turns gold. This may be from the cheap shitty soil, or a combination of both I'm not too sure. I'll try to get out and get a decent tool today to check those bugs out for sure. But I havent noticed any webbing or anything like that??


New Member
Spider Mites live under the leaves and lay their eggs along the leaf veins. They puncture the leaf from the under side and suck the nutrients out. The telltale signs are ... a yellow-mottled, or yellow-speckled look to the upper side of the leaf, and in more infestated staqes, webs. I've never seen them crawling around on the top of my hydro unit.

Spider mite eggs look like little drops milky liquid. The adults look like transparent little spiders with a black or dark brown spot on both sides of their upper bodies.

Again ... AVID is the way to go. Only 5 drops in a quart of water in a spray bottle and you're good to go.
