Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
my landlord is cool as shit ex sheriff told me flat out shoot whatever whenever i want and if i get hassled to direct them his way and he will say it was taken as a nuisance and he's too old to keep the deer out of his crops by himself
there is pastures and rows and rows of all kinds of veggies and fruit between me and him
prolly a 40 -50 acre hike if i walked straight to his house kinda hard to do without getting your feet wet
the creek branches right in the middle of all of it

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
wazzzzzzzuppppppp my niiggggggggaaaasssssss got a question for u guys when u paint ur pollen on about how long till u see seeds popping out i already got them popping its only been like2 weeks wtf i got a hermi somewhereView attachment 2860839
Just wait as long as possible. They are gonna have to go way beyond ripe if your harvesting for beans. When I first made beans. I would take one off to see how they where coming along. If it was dark with stripes I would wait a few days to week to make sure the rest where good. I wait til the beans look like they are gonna fall out.


Well-Known Member
ive been walking around in the thicket since about 7 am or so
took some corn to the feeder deer standing there watching me so i walked the 200' back to the house
this time i brought my 20 ga with a full choke and some 3" #2 buckshot
stalked right up on them 25-30' took a shot on a lil spike he rolled and took off and i have yet to find this mother fucker
i had a nice blood trail until it started raining so i was just walking in circles hoping to find it

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
ive been walking around in the thicket since about 7 am or so
took some corn to the feeder deer standing there watching me so i walked the 200' back to the house
this time i brought my 20 ga with a full choke and some 3" #2 buckshot
stalked right up on them 25-30' took a shot on a lil spike he rolled and took off and i have yet to find this mother fucker
i had a nice blood trail until it started raining so i was just walking in circles hoping to find it
Look in the thickest parts of low lying brush. Plus go further out them bitches take off far once they think they are in danger.


Well-Known Member
Look in the thickest parts of low lying brush. Plus go further out them bitches take off far once they think they are in danger.
i went about 300-350 yards in stepped over about 20 yards and repeated for hours i heard him flop in some brush found where he did then blood
like he was lung shot im sure he was federal mag buckshot does some damage and then rain set in
ohh well they been shot at 2 days in a row and keep coming back
maybe i have a case of buck fever i dunno never been a problem before
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