Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
So long story short, I saw a two of my "buddies" take bud from my jar. As soon it was handed back to me a noticed the biggest bud, the "cola" big buds I save for one in each jar, was obviously taken. I called them out and both called bluffs, when I knew it was gone.

They have left now, should I take the high road and not say a thing. Or call them out one last time knowingly they took it saying I know what you did blah blah

You have jars of fresh buds out so they know you grow? Or assume you do anyway correct?

sorry buddy...U fucked

it's hard to find a REAL friend


Well-Known Member
man thats fucked up especially if there suppose to be your friend, i know u wnat to kick there ass and probably could but its best to cut ur loss or in this case there loss cause ur the one with the dank if u think about u probably saveing money by not haveing friends, it sucks but people only look out for them selves, i always look out for everybody and as soon as i need help ant no one around, unless ur a crazy mofo and they know u are you going to have to fuck them up but be ready to get bailed out of jail sometimes u got to do crazy shit like that to let people know, i just had to do it like a month ago mofo owed money, i yoked this mother fucker up bitch slapped his ass and he was crying like a baby but i had to he a great dealer just had his proritys fucked up,u on the east coast around tristate ill go with u and we kick some ass


Well-Known Member
You have jars of fresh buds out so they know you grow? Or assume you do anyway correct?

sorry buddy...U fucked

it's hard to find a REAL friend
Nah they didn't know it was mine that a grew. I only have one friend that knows and he's fine, we plan on doing it together, I've known him for 15+ years.

When I have people over I hang out in a different room, not where my plants are. I make sure no one knows anything.

I pretty much took the high road, told them I made a mistake and kicked them out, and never plan on being around them again. I enjoy taking the high road, I know I'm better then them, and they'll never go anywhere in life, so that's enough for me.

Plus these guys took the material I had left from my friend and I making BHO and they said they were going to try to sell it, when it has no THC on it at all. I'm glad it happened to be honest. Make me open my eyes a little more and realize you know. I'm just a lonely guy and end up calling people to hang out with when I know I shouldn't.

I keep everything hidden and I tell people I get my stuff from a special connect from the east coast.


Well-Known Member
man thats fucked up especially if there suppose to be your friend, i know u wnat to kick there ass and probably could but its best to cut ur loss or in this case there loss cause ur the one with the dank if u think about u probably saveing money by not haveing friends, it sucks but people only look out for them selves, i always look out for everybody and as soon as i need help ant no one around, unless ur a crazy mofo and they know u are you going to have to fuck them up but be ready to get bailed out of jail sometimes u got to do crazy shit like that to let people know, i just had to do it like a month ago mofo owed money, i yoked this mother fucker up bitch slapped his ass and he was crying like a baby but i had to he a great dealer just had his proritys fucked up,u on the east coast around tristate ill go with u and we kick some ass
Yeah I would love to kick there ass and all that, but like you said I have to cut my loses. I rather never speak with them again then starting a war that will end up with them calling cops on my house. They aren't people I should be hanging out with I just got problems with being alone. They still at like how I did in high school, it's like they never changed. It just sucks because my best of friends I can only hang out with once a week if that.


Active Member
Yeah I would love to kick there ass and all that, but like you said I have to cut my loses. I rather never speak with them again then starting a war that will end up with them calling cops on my house. They aren't people I should be hanging out with I just got problems with being alone. They still at like how I did in high school, it's like they never changed. It just sucks because my best of friends I can only hang out with once a week if that.
id cook me up about 30 habanaro peppers in about a pint of either and soak me 2 or 3 big bud in it,then evap it off,,putem in a jar and invite them over again,letem take big wiffff that after they steal it,hehe


Active Member
did an experiment to try quick dry a bud,put on top heater for about 30 minute,small bud,yeah it dryed and looks great,very solid,but it taste bla (was very fruty before quick dry)and its changed,the slow drying ones is much more potent and has a way better taste,so on with the long cure! ha! Just sayin !


Well-Known Member
I hate quick drying bud now, rather just let it hang dry for a couple days. Quick dry makes me feel like I'm wasting material.


Active Member
I hate quick drying bud now, rather just let it hang dry for a couple days. Quick dry makes me feel like I'm wasting material.
oh its already been drying 5 day,in jars for one,but its so sticky u cant roll a joint,i opening jars about 20 minute 3 time aday,but wanted to see what quick dry looked and tasted like


Well-Known Member
believe it or not had this one guy complain because shit was so stick u couldnt grind it i laughed in his face and said really
oh its already been drying 5 day,in jars for one,but its so sticky u cant roll a joint,i opening jars about 20 minute 3 time aday,but wanted to see what quick dry looked and tasted like


Well-Known Member
whats up im getting ready to harvest a pv seeded up female and was wondering if seeded plants need more time, as far as trichs go shes ready pistils r all most all orange, should i pluck her now or wait a week


Active Member
believe it or not had this one guy complain because shit was so stick u couldnt grind it i laughed in his face and said really
no way to grind this,even the bud was on heater for hour is still,sticky,i just put it back in jar,let it finnish few more days


Active Member
whats up im getting ready to harvest a pv seeded up female and was wondering if seeded plants need more time, as far as trichs go shes ready pistils r all most all orange, should i pluck her now or wait a week
pics? yeah dont go by pistils mine turned orange then grew ton of new ones,all the old ones went inside of buds,like it had 2 flower periods


Active Member
yeah them has lot of orange,mine was like 1/3 that.then started kicking out tons of new,im glad i didnt pick them before,they got 2 times the size,im not pro but id let her go longer,i still see new hairs on there,and thats what mine did


Active Member
now mine so strong u cant hardly somke it,2 hits 3 max! 1 hit u have a speedy high,after that u better sit down awhile


Well-Known Member
thanks i think i might go another week there a couple seeds popping out already but i want them all to be mature not a couple so ill will wait another week but the sinmint is difinetly getting chopped im almost out of weed so it will be my head stash
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