Dark Delight (ANY INFO?)

I noticed this plant and liked what I have read
Dark Delight has been a winner since she was introduced in 2012. Many regular customers have said this is one of the strongest indica-dominant in the Dutch Passion collection. Dark Delight has been a revelation and has developed a following of repeat growers who love the genuinely narcotic and occasionally psychedelically strong weed.

Dark Delight has great hashy flavours and the aroma will remind older growers of the best 1980’s hash. Yields are good and many growers report she can be cropped after 8 weeks of flower. The high is strong, racy and intense – it won’t suit those looking for a soft daytime smoke or those used to a milder smoking experience. But for those growers looking for something new, Dark Delight offers a combination of great flavours and very strong cannabis which blooms quickly and in good quantities. Highly recommended.
I wanted to know has anyone had experiences smoking this or even growing this ?
well looks like i will try and do a grow report/ smoke report
hoping for 8-9 weeks flower and for a very very stoned indica hit

All 4 seeds popped
1 st seed took less than 24 hours to pop and the last 1 took 3 days , i put them in the fridge for a week then placed them into some seedling compost and watered thoroughly , now they are getting there first leaves and look pretty happy , hopefully ill get some pics ASAP .
Happy xmas

Its been around 8 days now maybe 10 (i will keep more precise times in future) They smell lovely at a rub and are looking indica dominant at the moment
Have put them into their final pots already (not everyone's idea of good practice but I have no problems) 10 litres using Plant Magic Soil (its rated as a "light mix") and have just given them their first drink of half strength hesi grow nutes.
Had a little bit of trouble too much nitrogen, caught it very early and seems to be fine now, started to grow real quick still under 250w MH
Also started to whiff quit a bit.
Thanks guys :D

All i can mention is they seem VERY sensitive to nutes in grow stage, I am using like 1/4 of recommended dose.
Also 1 is leaning slightly on the sativa side but all seem to grow same height and style.
the one on the bottom right has the slightly thinner leaves.


just a little update 2 have shown that they are female (the two at the front) and i swapped the two back ones around.
smells like weed/cabbage.
Its been around 3 weeks since forced flower, here are some pics

Image1858.jpg Image1859.jpg Image1861.jpg Image1862.jpg
Some fan leaves are slightly yellow from lack of nutes, I didn't want to start too strong this should be rectified in the next days/week.
They are on full nutes now and will be getting a boost of phosphorus soon.
some more pictures going very dark green on the top leaves
Image1880.jpg Image1879.jpg Image1878.jpg
lots of crystals all over the place even on some of the fan leaves.
Still going
this one seems only just to have exploded into flowers, some real green leaves on this one.

This one is my favourite, not too long now I hope.

I have another pretty similar to these but smaller buds and 1 that is basically a joke plant with the flowers on the top forming as 1 calyx at a time (I will get some pics of it)
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Smoke is like well smoking hash, pretty big yield considering, I think it would be perfect for home made hash, gonna try some new strains but I will keep this on the list of good weed

HIGH: mellow, not hard hitting more of a creeper, very long lasting and good for sleep.
YIELD: no idea dont have scales but harvested around april 18 its now july and I have smoked every day since so not bad for 4 plants.
GROW: All plants had different styles especially during flower, not happy with this but im sure they will improve over time.
FLOWER TIME: I went for 10 weeks and a few days some seemed they could go a lot longer.