DC legalizing pot... when will Maryland follow suit?


Well-Known Member
i want to have to ability to chose strains etc.... just going and buying commercial shit from a dealer is crap. They dont care about you, they only want your money. Why make something that nature has provided globally illegal? Hell why not make water illegal, why not air? .....im so sick of regulations and assine laws denying normal everyday citizens god given rights. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Sooooo weed is now legal at 12:01 today in DC. your allowed to smoke only in your own home, have only 2 ounces and 6 plants, only 3 being mature.

whens MD going to follow suit? Why is Annapolis more prudish than DC?
There are a whole lot of reasons. Look around you.

But I am glad to see that all my sins are being absolved. My only drug arrest was a few grams in MD (no longer a crime). My DC landlord actually found my closet grow in 92. He apologized for intruding. (thanks Jack)
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Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Marylanders are not more prudish, just more cautious. Citizens and lawmakers alike seem to have adopted a 'don't fix it if it aint broke' philosophy. It's decriminalized now, and local cops in my county gladly look the other way to concentrate on real crime. Depends where you are...in the sticks it's conservative...near DC or Bawlmer no problem.